Deploy Notes for Developers
Note this it not included in built documentation
[ ] Update version number
[ ] Update changelog
[ ] Update windows installation (see below)
[ ] Check all of the notebooks using the updated windows installation
[ ] Update the conda environment .yml file (do this by-hand with any new packages in
[ ] Update the explicit conda environemnt file
conda list --explicit > filename.json
[ ] Update the
for the lambda function installs[ ] Upload windows install folder to AWS
[ ] Make windows install folder public on AWS
Uploading to pypi
Run this command to create the wheel and source code tarball
$ python sdist bdist_wheel
In case Twine is not installed, install it
$ pip install --upgrade twine
Now upload the package
$ python -m twine upload dist\*
This will prompt you for your username and password. At the moment, only mpu and mls have privileges to upload to the PODPAC PYPI index.
Creating the Windows Installation PODPAC Conda environment
This section describes the process used to create the PODPAC Window 10 Installation.
These instructions only assume that you already have git installed on your Windows 10 machine.
Install miniconda to a
\miniconda on a Windows machineInstall for “Just the current user”
Do not register Python to the operating system
Open a Windows command prompt in the
Clone podpac and set up the conda environment
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ cd podpac
$ git checkout -b release/<version> tags/<version> # as of writing, the <version> is 0.3.0
$ cd ..
$ xcopy podpac\dist\local_Windows_install\* . /E
$ bin\set_local_conda_path.bat
# Verify path is set correctly
$ where conda
<root_folder>\miniconda\Library\bin\conda.bat # Should be the first entry
<root_folder>\miniconda\Scripts\conda.exe # Should be the second entry
... # May have additional entries
Set up the podpac environment and install dependencies
$ conda create -n podpac python=3
$ bin\activate_podpac_conda_env.bat
# Install core dependencies
$ conda install matplotlib>=2.1 numpy>=1.14 scipy>=1.0 traitlets>=4.3 xarray>=0.10 ipython psutil requests>=2.18 owslib
$ conda install pyproj>=2.2 rasterio>=1.0 -c conda-forge
$ pip install pint>=0.8 lazy-import>=0.2.2
# Install dependencies for handling various file datatype
$ # conda install rasterio>=1.0 # Installed above alongside pyproj
$ conda install beautifulsoup4>=4.6 h5py>=2.9 lxml>=4.2 zarr>=2.3 intake>=0.5
$ pip install pydap>=3.2
# Install dependencies for AWS
$ conda install boto3>=1.4 s3fs>=0.2
$ pip install awscli>=1.11
# Install dependencies for algorithm nodes
$ conda install numexpr>=2.6
# Install dependencies for JupyterLab and Jupyter Notebooks
$ conda install jupyterlab ipywidgets nodejs
$ conda install ipympl ipyleaflet -c conda-forge
# Set up jupyter lab extensions
$ jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager
$ jupyter labextension install jupyter-leaflet
$ jupyter labextension install jupyter-matplotlib
$ jupyter nbextension enable --py widgetsnbextension
$ jupyter lab build
~~$ python -m ipykernel install –user~~
# clean conda environment
$ conda clean -a -y
# Also delete miniconda/pkgs/.trash for a smaller installation
To run a
sessions in the<root_folder>\podpac_examples\notebooks
directory, double-click on therun_podpac_jupyterlab.bat
. This will launch a browser window in the folder where PODPAC keeps its example notebooks.To run an IPython console: Open up a Windows command prompt in
$ run_ipython.bat