NASA Earth Data Login

This document describes using an Earth Data Account with PODPAC.


  • An Earth Data Login account is needed to access the wealth of data provided by NASA.

  • PODPAC automatically retrieves this data using OpenDAP.

  • OpenDAP needs an authenticated session to retrieve the data.

  • To set up an authenticated session, a user can:

    • save their credentials as part of a PODPAC settings files

    • provide their username and password to the child class of a PyDAP node at runtime

Creating an Earthdata Login Account

  • Go to the Earthdata Registration Page page and follow the instructions to register an account

  • Go to the Earthdata Login Page to log into your account

  • To enable OpenDAP access:

    • Go to your Profile once logged in.

    • Under Applications, click on Authorized Apps

    • Scroll to the bottom and click on APPROVE MORE APPLICATIONS


      • Additional applications may be required to access datasets of interest

    • For each, click the APPROVE button

  • At this stage, your Earthdata account should be set up and ready to use for accessing data through OpenDAP

Using Earthdata Credentials in PODPAC

PODPAC uses Earthdata credentials to access the SMAP data source nodes. You can store the credentials for SMAP nodes using the Node method set_credentials.

To store credentials for SMAP nodes, use the following code in an interactive Python session:

from podpac.datalib import SMAP

node = SMAP()
node.set_credentials(username="<earthdata-username>", password="<earthdata-password>")

The set_credentials method stores credentials for a Node in the PODPAC settings. To persistently save the credentials in the PODPAC settings (to avoid running set_credentials at runtime or in a script), run

NOTE: PODPAC stores credentials in plain text. Be conscious of outputting the PODPAC settings to a file when it contains credentials.

from podpac import settings

Your credentials will be saved in $HOME\.podpac\settings.json where $HOME is usually C:\users\<USERNAME> on Windows and /home/<USERNAME> on Linux systems.