
This document describes the caching methodology used in PODPAC, and how to control it. PODPAC uses a central cache shared by all nodes. Retrieval from the cache is based on the node’s definition (node.json), the coordinates, and a key.

Each node has a Cache Control (cache_ctrl) defined by default, and the Cache Control may contain multiple Cache Stores (.e.g ‘disk’, ‘ram’).

Caching Outputs

By default, PODPAC caches evaluated node outputs to memory (RAM). When a node is evaluated with the same coordinates, the output is retrieved from the cache.

The following example demonstrates that the output was retrieved from the cache on the second evaluation:

[.] import podpac
[.] import podpac.datalib
[.] coords = podpac.Coordinates([podpac.clinspace(40, 39, 16),
                                 podpac.clinspace(-100, -90, 16),
                                 '2015-01-01T00', ['lat', 'lon', 'time']])
[.] smap = podpac.datalib.smap.SMAP()
[.] o = smap1.eval(coords)
[.] smap._from_cache
[.] o = smap1.eval(coords)
[.] smap._from_cache

Importantly, different instances of the same node share a cache. The following example demonstrates that a different instance of a node will retrieve output from the cache as well:

[.] smap2 = podpac.datalib.smap.SMAP()
[.] o = smap2.eval(coords)
[.] smap2._from_cache

Configure Output Caching

Automatic caching of outputs can be controlled globally and in individual nodes. For example, to globally disable caching outputs:

podpac.settings["CACHE_OUTPUT_DEFAULT"] = False

To disable output caching for a particular node:

smap = podpac.datalib.smap.SMAP(cache_output=False)

Disk Cache

In addition to caching to memory (RAM), PODPAC provides a disk cache that persists across processes. For example, when the disk cache is used, a script that evaluates a node can be run multiple times and will retrieve node outputs from the disk cache on subsequent runs.

Each node has a cache_ctrl that specifies which cache stores to use, in priority order. For example, to use the RAM cache and the disk cache:

smap = podpac.datalib.smap.SMAP(cache_ctrl=['ram', 'disk'])

The default cache control can be set globally in the settings:

podpac.settings["DEFAULT_CACHE"] = ['ram', 'disk']

Configure Disk Caching

The disk cache directory can be set using the DISK_CACHE_DIR setting.

S3 Cache

PODPAC also provides caching to the cloud using AWS S3. Configure the S3 bucket and cache subdirectory using the S3_BUCKET_NAME and S3_CACHE_DIR settings.

Clearing the Cache

To clear the entire cache use:


To clear the cache for a particular node:


You can also clear a particular cache store, for example clear the disk cache leaving the RAM cache in place:

# node

# entire cache

Cache Limits

PODPAC provides a limit for each cache store in the podpac settings.


When a cache store is full, new entries are ignored cached.

Advanced Usage

Caching Other Objects

Nodes can cache other data and objects using a cache key and, optionally, coordinates. The following example caches and retrieves data using the key my_data.

[.] smap.put_cache(10, 'my_data')
[.] smap.get_cache('my_data')

In general, the node cache can be managed using the Node.put_cache, Node.get_cache, Node.has_cache, and Node.rem_cache methods.

Cache Expiration

Cached entries can optionally have an expiration date, after which the entry is considered invalid and automatically removed.

To specify an expiration date

# specific datetime
node.put_cache(10, 'my_data', expires='2021-01-01T12:00:00')

# timedelta, in 12 hours
node.put_cache(10, 'my_data', expires='12,h')

Cached Node Properties

PODPAC provides a cached_property decorator that enhances the builtin property decorator.

By default, the cached_property stores the value as a private attribute in the object. To use the PODPAC cache so that the property persists across objects or processes according to the node node cache_ctrl:

class MyNode(podpac.Node):
    def my_cached_property(self):
        return 10

Updating Existing Entries

By default, a existing cache entries will be overwritten with new data.

[.] smap.put_cache(10, 'my_data')
[.] smap.put_cache(20, 'my_data')
[.] smap.get_cache('my_data')

To prevent overwriting existing cache entries, use overwrite=False:

[.] smap.put_cache(100, 'my_data', overwrite=False)
podpac.core.node.NodeException: Cached data already exists for key 'my_data' and coordinates None