

PODPAC allows users to specify various different interpolation schemes for nodes with increased granularity, and even lets users write their own interpolators. By default PODPAC uses the podpac.settings["DEFAULT_INTERPOLATION"] == "nearest", which may be modified by users. Users who wish to see raw datasources can also use "none" for the interpolator type.

Relevant example notebooks include:


Consider a DataSource with lat, lon, time coordinates that we will instantiate as: node = DataSource(..., interpolation=interpolation)

interpolation can be specified …

…as a string

interpolation='nearest' <<<<<<< HEAD

  • Descripition: All dimensions are interpolated using nearest neighbor interpolation. This is the default, but available options can be found here: podpac.core.interpolation.interpolation.INTERPOLATION_METHODS. In particular, for no interpolation, use interpolation="none". NOTE the none interpolator ONLY considers the bounds of any evaluated coordinates. This means the data is returned at FULL resolution (no striding or sub-selection).

  • Details: PODPAC will automatically select appropriate interpolators based on the source coordinates and eval coordinates. Default interpolator orders can be found in podpac.core.interpolation.interpolation.INTERPOLATION_METHODS_DICT

…as a dictionary

interpolation = {
    'method': 'nearest',
    'params': {    # Optional. Available parameters depend on the particular interpolator
        'spatial_tolerance': 1.1,
        'time_tolerance': np.timedelta64(1, 'D')
    'interpolators': [ScipyGrid, NearestNeighbor]  # Optional. Available options are in podpac.core.interpolation.interpolation.INTERPOLATORS
  • Descripition: All dimensions are interpolated using nearest neighbor interpolation, and the type of interpolators are tried in the order specified. For applicable interpolators, the specified parameters will be used.

  • Details: PODPAC loops through the interpolators list, checking if the interpolator is able to interpolate between the evaluated and source coordinates. The first capable interpolator available will be used.

…as a list

interpolation = [
        'method': 'bilinear',
        'dims': ['lat', 'lon']
        'method': 'nearest',
        'dims': ['time']
  • Descripition: The dimensions listed in the 'dims' list will used the specified method. These dictionaries can also specify the same field shown in the previous section.

  • Details: PODPAC loops through the interpolation list, using the settings specified for each dimension independently.

NOTE! Specifying the interpolation as a list also control the ORDER of interpolation. The first item in the list will be interpolated first. In this case, lat/lon will be bilinearly interpolated BEFORE time is nearest-neighbor interpolated.


The list of available interpolators are as follows:

  • NoneInterpolator: An interpolator that passes through the raw, source data at full resolution – it does not do any interpolation. Note: This interpolator can be used for some of the dimension by specifying interpolation as a list.

  • NearestNeighbor: A custom implementation based on scipy.cKDtree, which handles nearly any combination of source and destination coordinates

  • XarrayInterpolator: A light-weight wrapper around xarray’s DataArray.interp method, which is itself a wrapper around scipy interpolation functions, but with a clean xarray interface

  • RasterioInterpolator: A wrapper around rasterio’s interpolation/reprojection routines. Appropriate for grid-to-grid interpolation.

  • ScipyGrid: An optimized implementation for grid sources that uses scipy’s RegularGridInterpolator, or RectBivariateSplit interpolator depending on the method.

  • ScipyPoint: An implementation based on scipy.KDtree capable of nearest interpolation for point sources

  • NearestPreview: An approximate nearest-neighbor interpolator useful for rapidly viewing large files

The default order for these interpolators can be found in


Since this is the most general of the interpolators, this section deals with the available parameters and settings for the NearestNeighbor interpolator.


The following parameters can be set by specifying the interpolation as a dictionary or a list, as described above.

  • respect_bounds : bool

    • Default is True. If True, any requested dimension OUTSIDE of the bounds will be interpolated as nan. Otherwise, any point outside the bounds will have the value of the nearest neighboring point

  • remove_nan : bool

    • Default is False. If True, nan’s in the source dataset will NOT be interpolated. This can be used if a value for the function is needed at every point of the request. It is not helpful when computing statistics, where nan values will be explicitly ignored. In that case, if remove_nan is True, nan values will take on the values of neighbors, skewing the statistical result.

  • *_tolerance : float, where * in [“spatial”, “time”, “alt”]

    • Default is inf. Maximum distance to the nearest coordinate to be interpolated. Corresponds to the unit of the * dimension.

  • *_scale : float, where * in [“spatial”, “time”, “alt”]

    • Default is 1. This only applies when the source has stacked dimensions with different units. The *_scale defines the factor that the coordinates will be scaled by (coordinates are divided by *_scale) to output a valid distance for the combined set of dimensions. For example, when “lat, lon, and alt” dimensions are stacked, [“lat”, “lon”] are in degrees and “alt” is in feet, the *_scale parameters should be set so that || [dlat / spatial_scale, dlon / spatial_scale, dalt / alt_scale] || results in a reasonable distance.

  • use_selector : bool

    • Default is True. If True, a subset of the coordinates will be selected BEFORE the data of a dataset is retrieved. This reduces the number of data retrievals needed for large datasets. In cases where remove_nan = True, the selector may select only nan points, in which case the interpolation fails to produce non-nan data. This usually happens when requesting a single point from a dataset that contains nans. As such, in these cases set use_selector = False to get a non-nan value.

Advanced NearestNeighbor Interpolation Examples

  • Only interpolate points that are within 1 of the source data lat/lon locations

interpolation={"method": "nearest", "params": {"spatial_tolerance": 1}},
  • When interpolating with mixed time/space, use 1 day as equivalent to 1 degree for determining the distance

    "method": "nearest",
    "params": {
        "spatial_scale": 1,
        "time_scale": "1,D",
        "alt_scale": 10,
  • Remove nan values in the source datasource – in some cases a nan may still be interpolated

    "method": "nearest",
    "params": {
        "remove_nan": True,
  • Remove nan values in the source datasource in all cases, even for single point requests located directly at nan-values in the source.

    "method": "nearest",
    "params": {
        "remove_nan": True,
        "use_selector": False,
  • Do nearest-neighbor extrapolation outside of the bounds of the source dataset

    "method": "nearest",
    "params": {
        "respect_bounds": False,
  • Do nearest-neighbor interpolation of time with nan removal followed by spatial interpolation

interpolation = [
        "method": "nearest",
        "params": {
            "remove_nan": True,
        "dims": ["time"]
        "method": "nearest",
        "dims": ["lat", "lon", "alt"]

Notes and Caveats

While the API is well developed, all conceivable functionality is not. For example, while we can interpolate gridded data to point data, point data to grid data interpolation is not as well supported, and there may be errors or unexpected results. Advanced users can develop their own interpolators, but this is not currently well-documented.

Gotcha: Parameters for a specific interpolator may be ignored if a different interpolator is automatically selected. These ignored parameters are logged as warnings.