API Reference
Top Level Imports
The base class for all Nodes, which defines the common interface for everything. |
Multidimensional Coordinates. |
The base class for all Nodes, which defines the common interface for everything. |
Base class for exceptions when using podpac nodes |
Multidimensional Coordinates. |
Base class for 1-dimensional coordinates. |
1-dimensional array of coordinates. |
1-dimensional array of uniformly-spaced coordinates defined by a start, stop, and step. |
Stacked coordinates. |
List of multi-dimensional Coordinates. |
Create uniformly-spaced 1d coordinates with a start, stop, and step. |
Create uniformly-spaced 1d or stacked coordinates with a start, stop, and size. |
Merge the coordinates. |
Combine the given coordinates by concatenating coordinate values in each dimension. |
Combine the given coordinates by collecting the unique, sorted coordinate values in each dimension. |
Data Sources
Generic data source wrappers
Data Types
Array datasource with interpolation. |
CSV datasource with interpolation. |
xarray dataset source with interpolation. |
h5py datasource with interpolation. |
OpenDAP datasource with interpolation. |
Rasterio datasource with interpolation. |
WCS datasource with podpac interpolation. |
Create a DataSource with a different resolution from another Node. |
Zarr Datasource with Interpolation. |
Base node for any data obtained directly from a single source. |
Classes to manage interpolation
Default interpolation method used when creating a new |
Built-in mutable sequence. |
Node to used to interpolate from self.source.coordinates to the user-specified, evaluated coordinates. |
Interpolation Method |
Nearest Neighbor Interpolation |
Nearest Neighbor (Preview) Interpolation |
Rasterio Interpolation |
Scipy Interpolation |
Scipy Point Interpolation |
Algorithm Nodes
Split/Apply/Combine nodes with algorithms
Base class for computation nodes that take a single source and transform it. |
Base class for computation nodes with a custom algorithm. |
General Purpose
Create a simple point-by-point computation using named input nodes. |
Generic Algorithm Node that allows arbitrary Python code to be executed. |
A simple test node that creates a data based on coordinates and trigonometric (sin) functions. |
A simple test node that gives each value in the output a number. |
Extracts the coordinates from a request and makes it available as a data |
Masks the source based on a boolean expression involving the mask (i.e. |
Create a Algorithm that evalutes a Node with one set of coordinates, and then interpolates it. |
Resample a time-dependent source node using a statistical operation to achieve the result. |
Statistical Methods
Computes the minimum across dimension(s) |
Computes the maximum across dimension(s) |
Computes the sum across dimension(s) |
Counts the finite values across dimension(s) |
Computes the mean across dimension(s) |
Computes the median across dimension(s) |
Computes the variance across dimension(s) |
Computes the standard deviation across dimension(s) |
Computes the skew across dimension(s) |
Computes the kurtosis across dimension(s) |
Group a time-dependent source node by day of year and compute a statistic for each group. |
Group a time-dependent source node and then compute a statistic for each result. |
Coordinates Modification
Evaluate a source node with expanded coordinates. |
Evaluate a source node with select coordinates. |
Signal Processing
Compute a general convolution over a source node. |
Compositor Nodes
Stitch multiple data sources together
Compositor that combines sources based on their order in self.sources. |
Interfaces to external data sources
PODPAC DataSource node to access the NASA EGI Programmatic Interface https://developer.earthdata.nasa.gov/sdps/programmatic-access-docs#cmrparameters |
Composited and interpolated GFS data from S3 |
The latest composited and interpolated GFS data from S3 |
Landsat 8 on AWS OpenData https://registry.opendata.aws/landsat-8/ |
SMAP Node. |
Sentinel 2 on AWS OpenData https://registry.opendata.aws/sentinel-2/ |
SoilSCAPE 20min soil moisture data for an entire site, with interpolation. |
Terrain Tiles gridded elevation tiles data library |
DataSource to handle WeatherCitizen data |
Cloud computing managers
Lambda is Node manager, which executes the given Node on an AWS Lambda function. |
A Node wrapper to evaluate source on AWS Lambda function |
Mixin to add S3 credentials and access to a Node. |
Persistently stored podpac settings |
Convience method to create a log file that only logs podpac related messages |
Clear the entire default cache_ctrl. |
Decorator that creates a property that is cached. |
Mixin to use no cache by default. |
Mixin to add disk caching to the Node by default. |
Summary |
Return semantic version of current PODPAC installation |
Retrieve PODPAC semantic version as string |
Built-in immutable sequence. |
Dictionary that remembers insertion order |