
PODPAC is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Select the installation method the best suits your development environment:

Install with pip


Confirm you have the required dependencies installed on your computer:


If using Anaconda Python (recommended for Windows), create a PODPAC dedicated Anconda environment:

# create environment
$ conda create -n podpac python=3

# activate environment
$ conda activate podpac

If using a non-Anaconda Python distribution, create a PODPAC dedicated virtual environment:

# create environment in <DIR> using virtualenv
$ python3 -m venv <DIR>

# activate environment
$ source <DIR>/bin/activate

# Create environment named `podpac` using pyenv
$ pyenv virtualenv 3.8.6 podpac
$ pyenv activate podpac


Windows Pre-Installation Instructions with Anaconda

Some packages are simpler to install through conda compared to pip on Windows. NOTE: These instructions tend to change based on the specific version of conda. Substituting which packages are installed from conda-forge vs the default conda channel can usually result in a functional installation.

For a full PODPAC installation pre-install the following packages in a clean conda environment:

# Install core dependencies
> conda install matplotlib>=2.1 numpy>=1.14 scipy>=1.0 traitlets>=4.3 xarray>=0.10 ipython psutil requests>=2.18 owslib beautifulsoup4>=4.6 h5py>=2.9 lxml>=4.2 zarr>=2.3 intake>=0.5 boto3>=1.4 s3fs>=0.2 numexpr>=2.6 jupyterlab ipywidgets nodejs
> conda install pyproj>=2.2 rasterio>=1.0 ipympl ipyleaflet -c conda-forge

# Set up jupyter lab extensions
> jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager
> jupyter labextension install jupyter-leaflet
> jupyter labextension install jupyter-matplotlib
> jupyter nbextension enable --py widgetsnbextension
> jupyter lab build

# clean conda environment (optional)
> conda clean -a -y

All Operating systems

After activating the environment, install using pip with one of the following commands:

$ pip install podpac                # base installation
$ pip install podpac[datatype]      # install podpac and optional data handling dependencies
$ pip install podpac[notebook]      # install podpac and optional notebook dependencies
$ pip install podpac[aws]           # install podpac and optional aws dependencies
$ pip install podpac[algorithm]     # install podpac and optional algorithm dependencies
$ pip install podpac[all]           # install podpac and all optional dependencies

See Optional Dependencies more information on optional PODPAC dependencies.


This guide assumes you have a working installation of Docker on your computer or server.

Once you have Docker installed, the following steps will allow you to run PODPAC within an interactive Docker shell:

  • Download the PODPAC Dockerfile from the repository

  • From the directory where you downloaded the Dockerfile, run:

# build the docker image with the tag `podpac`
$ docker build -t podpac .
  • Run the built image

# run the docker image in an interactive shell
$ docker run -i -t podpac

Standalone Windows Distribution

Windows 10

The Window 10 standalone distribution requires no pre-installed operating system or external dependencies.

  • Download the latest Window 10 standalone distribution

  • Once downloaded, extract the zip file into a folder on your machine.

    • We recommend expanding it near the root of your drive (e.g. C:\PODPAC) due to long file paths that are part of the installation.

Once the folder is unzipped:

  • To run an IPython session:

    • Open a Windows command prompt in this directory

    • Run the run_ipython.bat script

  • To open the example Jupyter notebooks:

    • Double click the file run_podpac_jupyterlab.bat

    • This will open up a Windows command prompt, and launch a JupyterLab notebook in your default web browser

    • To close the notebook, close the browser tab, and close the Windows console

To make this standalone distribution, see the deploy notes.

Install from Source


Confirm you have the required dependencies installed on your computer:


If using Anaconda Python, create a PODPAC dedicated Anconda environment:

# create environment with all `anaconda` packages
$ conda create -n podpac python=3 anaconda

# activate environment
$ conda activate podpac

If using a non-Anaconda Python distribution, create a PODPAC dedicated virtual environment:

# create environment in <DIR>
$ python3 -m venv <DIR>

# activate environment
$ source <DIR>/bin/activate


After activating the virtual environment, clone the podpac repository onto your machine:

$ cd <install-path>
$ git clone
$ cd podpac

By default, PODPAC clones to the master branch, which is the latest stable release.

To use a previous release, checkout the tags/<version> reference. For bleeding edge, checkout the develop branch.

$ git fetch origin                                  # fetch all remote branches
$ git checkout -b release/<version> tags/<version>  # checkout specific release
$ git checkout -b develop origin/develop            # latest stable version

From the root of the git repository, install using pip with one of the following commands:

$ pip install -e .                # base installation
$ pip install -e .[datatype]      # install podpac and optional data handling dependencies
$ pip install -e .[notebook]      # install podpac and optional notebook dependencies
$ pip install -e .[aws]           # install podpac and optional aws dependencies
$ pip install -e .[algorithm]     # install podpac and optional algorithm dependencies
$ pip install -e .[all]           # install podpac and all optional dependencies

See Optional Dependencies more information on optional PODPAC dependencies.

To install PODPAC and keep installation up to date with local changes, use the option -e when installing:

$ pip install -e .          # install podpac with only core dependencies
$ pip install -e .[devall]  # install podpac and all optional dependencies

Common Issues


Some users may experience issues installing rasterio (included in the datatype and all installations). If you encounter issues, we recommend trying to install rasterio into your active Python environment, then re-installing podpac.


UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 in position 13: ordinal not in range(128)*

Some linux users may encounter this when using Ubuntu and Python 3.6. See this stack overflow answer for a solution.


psutil/_psutil_common.c:9:10: fatal error: Python.h: No such file or directory
 #include <Python.h>
compilation terminated.
error: command 'x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc' failed with exit status 1

You are missing the python-dev header and static files. See this stack overflow answer for the appropriate solution.