# Deploy Notes for Developers > Note this it not included in built documentation ## Checklist * [ ] Update version number * [ ] Update changelog * [ ] Update windows installation (see below) * [ ] Check all of the notebooks using the updated windows installation * [ ] Update the conda environment .yml file (do this by-hand with any new packages in setup.py) * [ ] Update the explicit conda environemnt file `conda list --explicit > filename.json` * [ ] Update the `podpac_deps.zip` and `podpac_dist.zip` for the lambda function installs * [ ] Upload windows install folder to AWS * [ ] Make windows install folder public on AWS ## Uploading to pypi Run this command to create the wheel and source code tarball ```bash $ python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel ``` In case Twine is not installed, install it ```bash $ pip install --upgrade twine ``` Now upload the package ```bash $ python -m twine upload dist\* ``` This will prompt you for your username and password. At the moment, only mpu and mls have privileges to upload to the PODPAC PYPI index. ## Creating the Windows Installation PODPAC Conda environment This section describes the process used to create the [PODPAC Window 10 Installation](https://s3.amazonaws.com/podpac-s3/releases/PODPAC_latest_install_windows10.zip). These instructions only assume that you already have [git](https://git-scm.com/) installed on your Windows 10 machine. * Install miniconda to a ``\miniconda on a Windows machine * Install for "Just the current user" * Do not register Python to the operating system * Open a Windows command prompt in the `` * Clone podpac and set up the conda environment ```bash $ git clone https://github.com/creare-com/podpac.git $ git clone https://github.com/creare-com/podpac_examples.git $ cd podpac $ git checkout -b release/ tags/ # as of writing, the is 0.3.0 $ cd .. $ xcopy podpac\dist\local_Windows_install\* . /E $ bin\set_local_conda_path.bat # Verify path is set correctly $ where conda \miniconda\Library\bin\conda.bat # Should be the first entry \miniconda\Scripts\conda.exe # Should be the second entry ... # May have additional entries ``` * Set up the podpac environment and install dependencies ```bash $ conda create -n podpac python=3 $ bin\activate_podpac_conda_env.bat # Install core dependencies $ conda install matplotlib>=2.1 numpy>=1.14 scipy>=1.0 traitlets>=4.3 xarray>=0.10 ipython psutil requests>=2.18 owslib $ conda install pyproj>=2.2 rasterio>=1.0 -c conda-forge $ pip install pint>=0.8 lazy-import>=0.2.2 # Install dependencies for handling various file datatype $ # conda install rasterio>=1.0 # Installed above alongside pyproj $ conda install beautifulsoup4>=4.6 h5py>=2.9 lxml>=4.2 zarr>=2.3 intake>=0.5 $ pip install pydap>=3.2 # Install dependencies for AWS $ conda install boto3>=1.4 s3fs>=0.2 $ pip install awscli>=1.11 # Install dependencies for algorithm nodes $ conda install numexpr>=2.6 # Install dependencies for JupyterLab and Jupyter Notebooks $ conda install jupyterlab ipywidgets nodejs $ conda install ipympl ipyleaflet -c conda-forge # Set up jupyter lab extensions $ jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager $ jupyter labextension install jupyter-leaflet $ jupyter labextension install jupyter-matplotlib $ jupyter nbextension enable --py widgetsnbextension $ jupyter lab build ``` ~~$ python -m ipykernel install --user~~ ```bash # clean conda environment $ conda clean -a -y # Also delete miniconda/pkgs/.trash for a smaller installation ``` * To run a `JupyterLab` sessions in the `\podpac_examples\notebooks` directory, double-click on the `run_podpac_jupyterlab.bat`. This will launch a browser window in the folder where PODPAC keeps its example notebooks. * To run an IPython console: Open up a Windows command prompt in `` ```bash $ run_ipython.bat ```