MODIS on AWS OpenData
MODIS Coordinates Grids: https://modis-land.gsfc.nasa.gov/MODLAND_grid.html
import logging
import datetime
import numpy as np
import traitlets as tl
import podpac
from podpac.utils import cached_property
from podpac.compositor import TileCompositorRaw
from podpac.core.data.rasterio_source import RasterioRaw
from podpac.authentication import S3Mixin
from podpac.interpolators import InterpolationMixin
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
BUCKET = "modis-pds"
PRODUCTS = ["MCD43A4.006", "MOD09GA.006", "MYD09GA.006", "MOD09GQ.006", "MYD09GQ.006"]
CRS = "+proj=sinu +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +R=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs +type=crs"
"00": (-20014877.697641734, -18903390.490691263),
"01": (-18902927.177974734, -17791439.971025266),
"02": (-17790976.658308737, -16679489.451358264),
"03": (-16679026.138641736, -15567538.931691263),
"04": (-15567075.618974736, -14455588.412025262),
"05": (-14455125.099308735, -13343637.892358262),
"06": (-13343174.579641735, -12231687.372691263),
"07": (-12231224.059974736, -11119736.853025263),
"08": (-11119273.540308736, -10007786.333358264),
"09": (-10007323.020641735, -8895835.813691262),
"10": (-8895372.500974735, -7783885.294025263),
"11": (-7783421.981308736, -6671934.774358263),
"12": (-6671471.461641735, -5559984.254691264),
"13": (-5559520.941974737, -4448033.735025264),
"14": (-4447570.422308736, -3336083.215358263),
"15": (-3335619.902641736, -2224132.695691264),
"16": (-2223669.382974736, -1112182.176025264),
"17": (-1111718.863308736, -231.656358264),
"18": (231.656358264, 1111718.863308736),
"19": (1112182.176025264, 2223669.382974736),
"20": (2224132.695691264, 3335619.902641736),
"21": (3336083.215358264, 4447570.422308736),
"22": (4448033.735025263, 5559520.941974737),
"23": (5559984.254691265, 6671471.461641736),
"24": (6671934.774358264, 7783421.981308737),
"25": (7783885.294025264, 8895372.500974735),
"26": (8895835.813691264, 10007323.020641737),
"27": (10007786.333358264, 11119273.540308736),
"28": (11119736.853025265, 12231224.059974737),
"29": (12231687.372691264, 13343174.579641737),
"30": (13343637.892358264, 14455125.099308737),
"31": (14455588.412025264, 15567075.618974738),
"32": (15567538.931691265, 16679026.138641737),
"33": (16679489.451358264, 17790976.658308737),
"34": (17791439.971025266, 18902927.177974734),
"35": (18903390.490691263, 20014877.697641734),
"00": (10007323.020641735, 8895835.813691262),
"01": (8895372.500974735, 7783885.294025263),
"02": (7783421.981308736, 6671934.774358263),
"03": (6671471.461641735, 5559984.254691264),
"04": (5559520.941974737, 4448033.735025264),
"05": (4447570.422308736, 3336083.215358263),
"06": (3335619.902641736, 2224132.695691264),
"07": (2223669.382974736, 1112182.176025264),
"08": (1111718.863308736, 231.656358264),
"09": (-231.656358264, -1111718.863308736),
"10": (-1112182.176025264, -2223669.382974736),
"11": (-2224132.695691264, -3335619.902641736),
"12": (-3336083.215358264, -4447570.422308736),
"13": (-4448033.735025263, -5559520.941974737),
"14": (-5559984.254691265, -6671471.461641736),
"15": (-6671934.774358264, -7783421.981308737),
"16": (-7783885.294025264, -8895372.500974735),
"17": (-8895835.813691264, -10007323.020641737),
def _parse_modis_date(date):
return datetime.datetime.strptime(date, "%Y%j").strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
def _available(s3, *l):
prefix = "/".join([BUCKET] + list(l))
return [obj.replace(prefix + "/", "") for obj in s3.ls(prefix) if "_scenes.txt" not in obj]
def get_tile_coordinates(h, v):
"""use pre-fetched lat and lon bounds to get coordinates for a single tile"""
lat_start, lat_stop = SINUSOIDAL_VERTICAL[v]
lon_start, lon_stop = SINUSOIDAL_HORIZONTAL[h]
lat = podpac.clinspace(lat_start, lat_stop, 2400, name="lat")
lon = podpac.clinspace(lon_start, lon_stop, 2400, name="lon")
return podpac.Coordinates([lat, lon], crs=CRS)
class MODISSource(RasterioRaw):
Individual MODIS data tile using AWS OpenData, with caching.
product : str
MODIS product ('MCD43A4.006', 'MOD09GA.006', 'MYD09GA.006', 'MOD09GQ.006', or 'MYD09GQ.006')
horizontal : str
column in the MODIS Sinusoidal Tiling System, e.g. '21'
vertical : str
row in the MODIS Sinusoidal Tiling System, e.g. '07'
date : str
year and three-digit day of year, e.g. '2011260'
data_key : str
individual object (varies by product)
product = tl.Enum(values=PRODUCTS, help="MODIS product ID").tag(attr=True)
horizontal = tl.Unicode(help="column in the MODIS Sinusoidal Tiling System, e.g. '21'").tag(attr=True)
vertical = tl.Unicode(help="row in the MODIS Sinusoidal Tiling System, e.g. '07'").tag(attr=True)
date = tl.Unicode(help="year and three-digit day of year, e.g. '2011460'").tag(attr=True)
data_key = tl.Unicode(help="data to retrieve (varies by product)").tag(attr=True)
anon = tl.Bool(True)
check_exists = tl.Bool(True)
_repr_keys = ["prefix", "data_key"]
def init(self):
for key in ["horizontal", "vertical", "date", "data_key"]:
if not getattr(self, key):
raise ValueError("MODISSource '%s' required" % key)
if self.horizontal not in ["%02d" % h for h in range(36)]:
raise ValueError("MODISSource horizontal invalid ('%s' should be between '00' and '35')" % self.horizontal)
if self.vertical not in ["%02d" % v for v in range(36)]:
raise ValueError("MODISSource vertical invalid ('%s' should be between '00' and '17'" % self.vertical)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("MODISSource date invalid ('%s' should be year and doy, e.g. '2009260'" % self.date)
if self.check_exists and not self.exists:
raise ValueError("No S3 object found at '%s'" % self.source)
def filename(self):
"Looking up source filename (product=%s, h=%s, v=%s, date=%s, data_key=%s)..."
% (self.product, self.horizontal, self.vertical, self.date, self.data_key)
prefix = "/".join([BUCKET, self.product, self.horizontal, self.vertical, self.date])
objs = [obj.replace(prefix + "/", "") for obj in self.s3.ls(prefix) if obj.endswith("%s.TIF" % self.data_key)]
if len(objs) == 0:
raise RuntimeError("No matches found for data_key='%s' at '%s'" % (self.data_key, prefix))
if len(objs) > 1:
raise RuntimeError("Too many matches for data_key='%s' at '%s' (%s)" % (self.data_key, prefix, objs))
return objs[0]
def prefix(self):
return "%s/%s/%s/%s" % (self.product, self.horizontal, self.vertical, self.date)
def source(self):
return "s3://%s/%s/%s" % (BUCKET, self.prefix, self.filename)
def exists(self):
return self.s3.exists(self.source)
def get_coordinates(self):
# use pre-fetched coordinate bounds (instead of loading from the dataset)
spatial_coords = get_tile_coordinates(self.horizontal, self.vertical)
time_coords = podpac.Coordinates([_parse_modis_date(self.date)], ["time"], crs=spatial_coords.crs)
return podpac.coordinates.merge_dims([spatial_coords, time_coords])
class MODISComposite(S3Mixin, TileCompositorRaw):
"""MODIS whole-world compositor.
For documentation about the data, start here: https://ladsweb.modaps.eosdis.nasa.gov/search/order/1
For information about the bands, see here: https://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov/about/specifications.php
product : str
MODIS product ('MCD43A4.006', 'MOD09GA.006', 'MYD09GA.006', 'MOD09GQ.006', or 'MYD09GQ.006')
data_key : str
individual object (varies by product)
product = tl.Enum(values=PRODUCTS, help="MODIS product ID").tag(attr=True, required=True)
data_key = tl.Unicode(help="data to retrieve (varies by product)").tag(attr=True, required=True)
tile_width = (1, 2400, 2400)
start_date = "2013-01-01"
end_date = datetime.date.today().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
anon = tl.Bool(True)
dims = ["time", "lat", "lon"]
_repr_keys = ["product", "data_key"]
def tile_coordinates(self):
return [get_tile_coordinates(*hv) for hv in self.available_tiles]
def available_tiles(self):
_logger.info("Looking up available tiles...")
return [(h, v) for h in _available(self.s3, self.product) for v in _available(self.s3, self.product, h)]
def select_sources(self, coordinates, _selector=None):
"""2d select sources filtering"""
# filter tiles spatially
ct = coordinates.transform(CRS)
tiles = [at for at, atc in zip(self.available_tiles, self.tile_coordinates) if ct.select(atc.bounds).size > 0]
sources = []
for tile in tiles:
h, v = tile
available_dates = _available(self.s3, self.product, h, v)
dates = [_parse_modis_date(date) for date in available_dates]
date_coords = podpac.Coordinates([dates], dims=["time"])
# Filter individual tiles temporally
if _selector is not None:
_, I = _selector(date_coords, ct, index_type="numpy")
_, I = date_coords.intersect(ct, outer=True, return_index=True)
valid_dates = np.array(available_dates)[I]
valid_sources = [
for date in valid_dates
self.set_trait("sources", sources)
return sources
[docs]class MODIS(InterpolationMixin, MODISComposite):
if __name__ == "__main__":
from matplotlib import pyplot
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# basic modis source
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
source = MODISSource(
print("source: %s" % repr(source))
print("path: %s" % source.source)
print("coordinates: %s", source.coordinates)
# native coordinates
o1 = source.eval(source.coordinates)
# cropped and resampled using EPSG:4326 coordinates
c = podpac.Coordinates([podpac.clinspace(-22, -20, 200), podpac.clinspace(-176, -174, 200)], dims=["lat", "lon"])
o2 = source.eval(c)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# modis tile with time
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
tile = MODISTile(
product=PRODUCTS[0], data_key="B01", horizontal="01", vertical="11", cache_ctrl=["disk"], cache_output=False
print("tile: %s" % repr(tile))
"available dates: %s-%s (n=%d)" % (tile.available_dates[0], tile.available_dates[-1], len(tile.available_dates))
print("coordinates: %s" % tile.coordinates)
# existing date
assert "2020009" in tile.available_dates
ct1 = podpac.Coordinates(["2020-01-09", c["lat"], c["lon"]], dims=["time", "lat", "lon"])
o2 = tile.eval(ct1)
# nearest date
assert "2020087" not in tile.available_dates
ct2 = podpac.Coordinates(["2020-03-27", c["lat"], c["lon"]], dims=["time", "lat", "lon"])
o3 = tile.eval(ct2)
# time-series
ct3 = podpac.Coordinates([["2019-01-01", "2019-02-01", "2019-03-01"], -21.45, -174.92], dims=["time", "lat", "lon"])
o4 = tile.eval(ct3)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# modis compositor
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
node = MODIS(product=PRODUCTS[0], data_key="B01", cache_ctrl=["disk"], cache_output=False)
print("node: %s" % repr(node))
print("sources: n=%d" % len(node.sources))
print(" .e.g: %s" % repr(node.sources[0]))
# single tile
assert len(node.select_sources(ct2)) == 1
o5 = node.eval(ct2)
# time-series in a single tile
assert len(node.select_sources(ct3)) == 1
o6 = node.eval(ct3)
# multiple tiles
ct3 = podpac.Coordinates(
["2020-01-09", podpac.clinspace(45, 55, 200), podpac.clinspace(-80, -40, 200)], dims=["time", "lat", "lon"]
assert len(node.select_sources(ct3)) == 7
o7 = node.eval(ct3)
# o7.plot()
# pyplot.show()