Node Summary
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import
import re
import functools
import json
import inspect
import importlib
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict
from copy import deepcopy
import logging
import numpy as np
import traitlets as tl
import six
import podpac
from podpac.core.settings import settings
from podpac.core.units import ureg, UnitsDataArray
from podpac.core.utils import common_doc
from podpac.core.utils import JSONEncoder
from podpac.core.utils import cached_property
from podpac.core.utils import trait_is_defined
from podpac.core.utils import _get_query_params_from_url, _get_from_url, _get_param
from podpac.core.utils import probe_node
from podpac.core.utils import NodeTrait
from podpac.core.utils import hash_alg
from podpac.core.coordinates import Coordinates
from podpac.core.style import Style
from podpac.core.cache import CacheCtrl, get_default_cache_ctrl, make_cache_ctrl, S3CacheStore, DiskCacheStore
from podpac.core.managers.multi_threading import thread_manager
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
"requested_coordinates": """The set of coordinates requested by a user. The Node will be evaluated using these coordinates.""",
"eval_output": """Default is None. Optional input array used to store the output data. When supplied, the node will not
allocate its own memory for the output array. This array needs to have the correct dimensions,
coordinates, and coordinate reference system.""",
"eval_selector": """The selector function is an optimization that enables nodes to only select data needed by an interpolator.
It returns a new Coordinates object, and an index object that indexes into the `coordinates` parameter
If not provided, the Coordinates.intersect() method will be used instead.""",
"eval_return": """
Unit-aware xarray DataArray containing the results of the node evaluation.
"hash_return": "A unique hash capturing the coordinates and parameters used to evaluate the node. ",
"outdir": "Optional output directory. Uses :attr:`podpac.settings[.cache_path` by default",
"definition_return": """
Dictionary containing the location of the Node, the name of the plugin (if required), as well as any
parameters and attributes that were tagged by children.
"arr_init_type": """How to initialize the array. Options are:
nan: uses np.full(..., np.nan) (Default option)
empty: uses np.empty
zeros: uses np.zeros()
ones: uses np.ones
full: uses np.full(..., fillval)
data: uses the fillval as the input array
"arr_fillval": "used if init_type=='full' or 'data', default = 0",
"arr_style": "The style to use for plotting. Uses self.style by default",
"arr_no_style": "Default is False. If True, self.style will not be assigned to arr.attr['layer_style']",
"arr_shape": "Shape of array. Uses self.shape by default.",
"arr_coords": "Input to UnitsDataArray (i.e. an xarray coords dictionary/list)",
"arr_dims": "Input to UnitsDataArray (i.e. an xarray dims list of strings)",
"arr_units": "Default is self.units The Units for the data contained in the DataArray.",
"arr_dtype": "Default is np.float. Datatype used by default",
"arr_kwargs": "Dictioary of any additional keyword arguments that will be passed to UnitsDataArray.",
"arr_return": """
Unit-aware xarray DataArray of the desired size initialized using the method specified.
[docs]class NodeException(Exception):
"""Base class for exceptions when using podpac nodes"""
class NodeDefinitionError(NodeException):
"""Raised node definition errors, such as when the definition is circular or is not yet unavailable."""
class Node(tl.HasTraits):
"""The base class for all Nodes, which defines the common interface for everything.
cache_output: bool
Should the node's output be cached? If not provided or None, uses default based on settings
If True, outputs will be cached and retrieved from cache. If False, outputs will not be cached OR retrieved from cache (even if
they exist in cache).
force_eval: bool
Default is False. Should the node's cached output be updated from the source data? If True it ignores the cache
when computing outputs but puts results into the cache (thereby updating the cache)
cache_ctrl: :class:`podpac.core.cache.cache.CacheCtrl`
Class that controls caching. If not provided, uses default based on settings.
dtype : type
The numpy datatype of the output. Currently only ``float`` is supported.
style : :class:`podpac.Style`
Object discribing how the output of a node should be displayed. This attribute is planned for deprecation in the
units : str
The units of the output data. Must be pint compatible.
outputs : list
For multiple-output nodes, the names of the outputs. Default is ``None`` for standard nodes.
output : str
For multiple-output nodes only, specifies a particular output to evaluate, if desired. Must be one of ``outputs``.
Additional attributes are available for debugging after evaluation, including:
* ``_requested_coordinates``: the requested coordinates of the most recent call to eval
* ``_output``: the output of the most recent call to eval
* ``_from_cache``: whether the most recent call to eval used the cache
* ``_multi_threaded``: whether the most recent call to eval was executed using multiple threads
outputs = tl.List(trait=tl.Unicode(), allow_none=True).tag(attr=True)
output = tl.Unicode(default_value=None, allow_none=True).tag(attr=True)
units = tl.Unicode(default_value=None, allow_none=True).tag(attr=True, hidden=True)
style = tl.Instance(Style)
dtype = tl.Enum([float], default_value=float)
cache_output = tl.Bool()
force_eval = tl.Bool(False)
cache_ctrl = tl.Instance(CacheCtrl, allow_none=True)
# list of attribute names, used by __repr__ and __str__ to display minimal info about the node
# e.g. data sources use ['source']
_repr_keys = []
def _default_outputs(self):
return None
def _validate_output(self, d):
if d["value"] is not None:
if self.outputs is None:
raise TypeError("Invalid output '%s' (output must be None for single-output nodes)." % self.output)
if d["value"] not in self.outputs:
raise ValueError("Invalid output '%s' (available outputs are %s)" % (self.output, self.outputs))
return d["value"]
def _default_style(self):
return Style()
def _validate_units(self, d):
ureg.Unit(d["value"]) # will throw an exception if this is not a valid pint Unit
return d["value"]
def _cache_output_default(self):
return settings["CACHE_NODE_OUTPUT_DEFAULT"]
def _cache_ctrl_default(self):
return get_default_cache_ctrl()
# debugging
_requested_coordinates = tl.Instance(Coordinates, allow_none=True)
_output = tl.Instance(UnitsDataArray, allow_none=True)
_from_cache = tl.Bool(allow_none=True, default_value=None)
# Flag that is True if the Node was run multi-threaded, or None if the question doesn't apply
_multi_threaded = tl.Bool(allow_none=True, default_value=None)
# util
_definition_guard = False
_traits_initialized_guard = False
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs):
"""Do not overwrite me"""
# Shortcut for users to make setting the cache_ctrl simpler:
if "cache_ctrl" in kwargs and isinstance(kwargs["cache_ctrl"], list):
kwargs["cache_ctrl"] = make_cache_ctrl(kwargs["cache_ctrl"])
tkwargs = self._first_init(**kwargs)
# make tagged "readonly" and "attr" traits read_only, and set them using set_trait
# NOTE: The set_trait is required because this sets the traits read_only at the *class* level;
# on subsequent initializations, they will already be read_only.
with self.hold_trait_notifications():
for name, trait in self.traits().items():
if settings["DEBUG"]:
trait.read_only = False
elif trait.metadata.get("readonly") or trait.metadata.get("attr"):
if name in tkwargs:
self.set_trait(name, tkwargs.pop(name))
trait.read_only = True
# Call traitlets constructor
super(Node, self).__init__(**tkwargs)
self._traits_initialized_guard = True
def _first_init(self, **kwargs):
"""Only overwrite me if absolutely necessary
Keyword arguments provided by user when class was instantiated.
Keyword arguments that will be passed to the standard intialization function.
return kwargs
[docs] def init(self):
"""Overwrite this method if a node needs to do any additional initialization after the standard initialization."""
def attrs(self):
"""List of node attributes"""
return [name for name in self.traits() if self.trait_metadata(name, "attr")]
def _repr_info(self):
keys = self._repr_keys[:]
if self.trait_is_defined("output") and self.output is not None:
if "output" not in keys:
elif self.trait_is_defined("outputs") and self.outputs is not None:
if "outputs" not in keys:
return ", ".join("%s=%s" % (key, repr(getattr(self, key))) for key in keys)
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s(%s)>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self._repr_info)
def __str__(self):
return "<%s(%s) attrs: %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self._repr_info, ", ".join(self.attrs))
[docs] @common_doc(COMMON_DOC)
def eval(self, coordinates, **kwargs):
Evaluate the node at the given coordinates.
coordinates : podpac.Coordinates
**kwargs: **dict
Additional key-word arguments passed down the node pipelines, used internally
output : {eval_return}
output = kwargs.get("output", None)
# check crs compatibility
if output is not None and "crs" in output.attrs and output.attrs["crs"] != coordinates.crs:
raise ValueError(
"Output coordinate reference system ({}) does not match".format(output.crs)
+ "request Coordinates coordinate reference system ({})".format(coordinates.crs)
if settings["DEBUG"]:
self._requested_coordinates = coordinates
item = "output"
# get standardized coordinates for caching
cache_coordinates = coordinates.transpose(*sorted(coordinates.dims)).simplify()
if not self.force_eval and self.cache_output and self.has_cache(item, cache_coordinates):
data = self.get_cache(item, cache_coordinates)
if output is not None:
order = [dim for dim in output.dims if dim not in data.dims] + list(data.dims)
output.transpose(*order)[:] = data
self._from_cache = True
data = self._eval(coordinates, **kwargs)
if self.cache_output:
self.put_cache(data, item, cache_coordinates)
self._from_cache = False
# extract single output, if necessary
# subclasses should extract single outputs themselves if possible, but this provides a backup
if "output" in data.dims and self.output is not None:
data = data.sel(output=self.output)
# transpose data to match the dims order of the requested coordinates
order = [dim for dim in coordinates.xdims if dim in data.dims]
if "output" in data.dims:
data = data.part_transpose(order)
if settings["DEBUG"]:
self._output = data
# Add style information
data.attrs["layer_style"] = self.style
if self.units is not None:
data.attrs["units"] = self.units
# Add crs if it is missing
if "crs" not in data.attrs:
data.attrs["crs"] = coordinates.crs
return data
def _eval(self, coordinates, output=None, _selector=None):
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def eval_group(self, group):
Evaluate the node for each of the coordinates in the group.
group : podpac.CoordinatesGroup
Group of coordinates to evaluate.
outputs : list
evaluation output, list of UnitsDataArray objects
return [self.eval(coords) for coords in group]
[docs] def find_coordinates(self):
Get all available coordinates for the Node. Implemented in child classes.
coord_list : list
list of available coordinates (Coordinates objects)
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_bounds(self, crs="default"):
"""Get the full available coordinate bounds for the Node.
crs : str
Desired CRS for the bounds.
If not specified, the default CRS in the podpac settings is used. Optional.
bounds : dict
Bounds for each dimension. Keys are dimension names and values are tuples (min, max).
crs : str
The CRS for the bounds.
if crs == "default":
crs = podpac.settings["DEFAULT_CRS"]
bounds = {}
for coords in self.find_coordinates():
ct = coords.transform(crs)
for dim, (lo, hi) in ct.bounds.items():
if dim not in bounds:
bounds[dim] = (lo, hi)
bounds[dim] = (min(lo, bounds[dim][0]), max(hi, bounds[dim][1]))
return bounds, crs
[docs] @common_doc(COMMON_DOC)
def create_output_array(self, coords, data=np.nan, attrs=None, outputs=None, **kwargs):
Initialize an output data array
coords : podpac.Coordinates
data : None, number, or array-like (optional)
attrs : dict
Attributes to add to output -- UnitsDataArray.create uses the 'crs' portion contained in here
outputs : list[string], optional
Default is self.outputs. List of strings listing the outputs
if attrs is None:
attrs = {}
if "layer_style" not in attrs:
attrs["layer_style"] = self.style
if "crs" not in attrs:
attrs["crs"] = coords.crs
if "units" not in attrs and self.units is not None:
attrs["units"] = ureg.Unit(self.units)
if "geotransform" not in attrs:
attrs["geotransform"] = coords.geotransform
except (TypeError, AttributeError):
if outputs is None:
outputs = self.outputs
if outputs == []:
outputs = None
return UnitsDataArray.create(coords, data=data, outputs=outputs, dtype=self.dtype, attrs=attrs, **kwargs)
[docs] def trait_is_defined(self, name):
return trait_is_defined(self, name)
[docs] def probe(self, lat=None, lon=None, time=None, alt=None, crs=None):
"""Evaluates every part of a node / pipeline at a point and records
which nodes are actively being used.
lat : float, optional
Default is None. The latitude location
lon : float, optional
Default is None. The longitude location
time : float, np.datetime64, optional
Default is None. The time
alt : float, optional
Default is None. The altitude location
crs : str, optional
Default is None. The CRS of the request.
A dictionary that contains the following for each node:
* "active": bool, # If the node is being used or not
* "value": float, # The value of the node evaluated at that point
* "inputs": list, # List of names of input nodes (based on definition)
* "name": str, # node.style.name or self.base_ref if the style name is empty
* "node_hash": str, # The node's hash
return probe_node(self, lat, lon, time, alt, crs)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Serialization
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def base_ref(self):
Default reference/name in node definitions
Name of the node in node definitions
return self.__class__.__name__
def _base_definition(self):
d = OrderedDict()
# node and plugin
if self.__module__ == "podpac":
d["node"] = self.__class__.__name__
elif self.__module__.startswith("podpac."):
_, module = self.__module__.split(".", 1)
d["node"] = "%s.%s" % (module, self.__class__.__name__)
d["plugin"] = self.__module__
d["node"] = self.__class__.__name__
# attrs/inputs
attrs = {}
inputs = {}
for name in self.attrs:
value = getattr(self, name)
if (
isinstance(value, Node)
or (
isinstance(value, (list, tuple, np.ndarray))
and (len(value) > 0)
and all(isinstance(elem, Node) for elem in value)
or (
isinstance(value, dict)
and (len(value) > 0)
and all(isinstance(elem, Node) for elem in value.values())
inputs[name] = value
attrs[name] = value
if "units" in attrs and attrs["units"] is None:
del attrs["units"]
if "outputs" in attrs and attrs["outputs"] is None:
del attrs["outputs"]
if "output" in attrs and attrs["output"] is None:
del attrs["output"]
if attrs:
d["attrs"] = attrs
if inputs:
d["inputs"] = inputs
# style
if self.style.definition:
d["style"] = self.style.definition
return d
def definition(self):
Full node definition.
Dictionary-formatted node definition.
if getattr(self, "_definition_guard", False):
raise NodeDefinitionError("node definition has a circular dependency")
if not getattr(self, "_traits_initialized_guard", False):
raise NodeDefinitionError("node is not yet fully initialized")
self._definition_guard = True
nodes = []
refs = []
definitions = []
def add_node(node):
for ref, n in zip(refs, nodes):
if node == n:
return ref
# get base definition
d = node._base_definition
if "inputs" in d:
# sort and shallow copy
d["inputs"] = OrderedDict([(key, d["inputs"][key]) for key in sorted(d["inputs"].keys())])
# replace nodes with references, adding nodes depth first
for key, value in d["inputs"].items():
if isinstance(value, Node):
d["inputs"][key] = add_node(value)
elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
d["inputs"][key] = [add_node(item) for item in value]
elif isinstance(value, dict):
d["inputs"][key] = {k: add_node(v) for k, v in value.items()}
raise TypeError("Invalid input '%s' of type '%s': %s" % (key, type(value)))
if "attrs" in d:
# sort and shallow copy
d["attrs"] = OrderedDict([(key, d["attrs"][key]) for key in sorted(d["attrs"].keys())])
# get base ref and then ensure it is unique
ref = node.base_ref
while ref in refs:
if re.search("_[1-9][0-9]*$", ref):
ref, i = ref.rsplit("_", 1)
i = int(i)
i = 0
ref = "%s_%d" % (ref, i + 1)
return ref
# add top level node
# finalize, verify serializable, and return
definition = OrderedDict(zip(refs, definitions))
definition["podpac_version"] = podpac.__version__
json.dumps(definition, cls=JSONEncoder)
return definition
self._definition_guard = False
def json(self):
"""Definition for this node in JSON format."""
return json.dumps(self.definition, separators=(",", ":"), cls=JSONEncoder)
def json_pretty(self):
"""Definition for this node in JSON format, with indentation suitable for display."""
return json.dumps(self.definition, indent=4, cls=JSONEncoder)
def hash(self):
"""hash for this node, used in caching and to determine equality."""
# deepcopy so that the cached definition property is not modified by the deletes below
d = deepcopy(self.definition)
# omit version
if "podpac_version" in d:
del d["podpac_version"]
# omit style in every node
for k in d:
if "style" in d[k]:
del d[k]["style"]
s = json.dumps(d, separators=(",", ":"), cls=JSONEncoder)
return hash_alg(s.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
[docs] def save(self, path):
Write node to file.
path : str
path to write to
See Also
load : load podpac Node from file.
with open(path, "w") as f:
json.dump(self.definition, f, separators=(",", ":"), cls=JSONEncoder)
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Node):
return False
return self.hash == other.hash
def __ne__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Node):
return True
return self.hash != other.hash
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Caching Interface
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_cache(self, key, coordinates=None):
Get cached data for this node.
key : str
Key for the cached data, e.g. 'output'
coordinates : podpac.Coordinates, optional
Coordinates for which the cached data should be retrieved. Omit for coordinate-independent data.
data : any
The cached data.
Cached data not found.
except NodeDefinitionError as e:
raise NodeException("Cache unavailable, %s (key='%s')" % (e.args[0], key))
if self.cache_ctrl is None or not self.has_cache(key, coordinates=coordinates):
raise NodeException("cached data not found for key '%s' and coordinates %s" % (key, coordinates))
return self.cache_ctrl.get(self, key, coordinates=coordinates)
[docs] def put_cache(self, data, key, coordinates=None, expires=None, overwrite=True):
Cache data for this node.
data : any
The data to cache.
key : str
Unique key for the data, e.g. 'output'
coordinates : podpac.Coordinates, optional
Coordinates that the cached data depends on. Omit for coordinate-independent data.
expires : float, datetime, timedelta
Expiration date. If a timedelta is supplied, the expiration date will be calculated from the current time.
overwrite : bool, optional
Overwrite existing data, default True.
Cached data already exists (and overwrite is False)
except NodeDefinitionError as e:
raise NodeException("Cache unavailable, %s (key='%s')" % (e.args[0], key))
if self.cache_ctrl is None:
if not overwrite and self.has_cache(key, coordinates=coordinates):
raise NodeException("Cached data already exists for key '%s' and coordinates %s" % (key, coordinates))
with thread_manager.cache_lock:
self.cache_ctrl.put(self, data, key, coordinates=coordinates, expires=expires, update=overwrite)
[docs] def has_cache(self, key, coordinates=None):
Check for cached data for this node.
key : str
Key for the cached data, e.g. 'output'
coordinates : podpac.Coordinates, optional
Coordinates for which the cached data should be retrieved. Omit for coordinate-independent data.
True if there is cached data for this node, key, and coordinates.
except NodeDefinitionError as e:
raise NodeException("Cache unavailable, %s (key='%s')" % (e.args[0], key))
if self.cache_ctrl is None:
return False
with thread_manager.cache_lock:
return self.cache_ctrl.has(self, key, coordinates=coordinates)
[docs] def rem_cache(self, key, coordinates=None, mode="all"):
Clear cached data for this node.
key : str
Delete cached objects with this key. If `'*'`, cached data is deleted for all keys.
coordinates : podpac.Coordinates, str, optional
Default is None. Delete cached objects for these coordinates. If `'*'`, cached data is deleted for all
coordinates, including coordinate-independent data. If None, will only affect coordinate-independent data.
mode: str, optional
Specify which cache stores are affected. Default 'all'.
See Also
`podpac.core.cache.cache.CacheCtrl.clear` to remove ALL cache for ALL nodes.
except NodeDefinitionError as e:
raise NodeException("Cache unavailable, %s (key='%s')" % (e.args[0], key))
if self.cache_ctrl is None:
self.cache_ctrl.rem(self, item=key, coordinates=coordinates, mode=mode)
# --------------------------------------------------------#
# Class Methods (Deserialization)
# --------------------------------------------------------#
[docs] @classmethod
def from_definition(cls, definition):
Create podpac Node from a dictionary definition.
d : dict
node definition
podpac Node
See Also
definition : node definition as a dictionary
from_json : create podpac node from a JSON definition
load : create a node from file
if "podpac_version" in definition and definition["podpac_version"] != podpac.__version__:
"node definition version mismatch "
"(this node was created with podpac version '%s', "
"but your current podpac version is '%s')" % (definition["podpac_version"], podpac.__version__)
if len(definition) == 0:
raise ValueError("Invalid definition: definition cannot be empty.")
# parse node definitions in order
nodes = OrderedDict()
for name, d in definition.items():
if name == "podpac_version":
if "node" not in d:
raise ValueError("Invalid definition for node '%s': 'node' property required" % name)
# get node class
module_root = d.get("plugin", "podpac")
node_string = "%s.%s" % (module_root, d["node"])
module_name, node_name = node_string.rsplit(".", 1)
module = importlib.import_module(module_name)
except ImportError:
raise ValueError("Invalid definition for node '%s': no module found '%s'" % (name, module_name))
node_class = getattr(module, node_name)
except AttributeError:
raise ValueError(
"Invalid definition for node '%s': class '%s' not found in module '%s'"
% (name, node_name, module_name)
# parse and configure kwargs
kwargs = {}
for k, v in d.get("attrs", {}).items():
kwargs[k] = v
for k, v in d.get("inputs", {}).items():
kwargs[k] = _lookup_input(nodes, name, v)
for k, v in d.get("lookup_attrs", {}).items():
kwargs[k] = _lookup_attr(nodes, name, v)
if "style" in d:
style_class = getattr(node_class, "style", Style)
if isinstance(style_class, tl.TraitType):
# Now we actually have to look through the class to see
# if there is a custom initializer for style
for attr in dir(node_class):
atr = getattr(node_class, attr)
if not isinstance(atr, tl.traitlets.DefaultHandler) or atr.trait_name != "style":
style_class = atr(node_class)
except Exception as e:
# print ("couldn't make style from class", e)
style_class = atr(node_class())
# print ("couldn't make style from class instance", e)
style_class = style_class.klass
kwargs["style"] = style_class.from_definition(d["style"])
except Exception as e:
kwargs["style"] = Style.from_definition(d["style"])
# print ("couldn't make style from inferred style class", e)
for k in d:
if k not in ["node", "inputs", "attrs", "lookup_attrs", "plugin", "style"]:
raise ValueError("Invalid definition for node '%s': unexpected property '%s'" % (name, k))
nodes[name] = node_class(**kwargs)
return list(nodes.values())[-1]
[docs] @classmethod
def from_json(cls, s):
Create podpac Node from a JSON definition.
s : str
JSON-formatted node definition
podpac Node
See Also
json : node definition as a JSON string
load : create a node from file
d = json.loads(s, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
return cls.from_definition(d)
[docs] @classmethod
def load(cls, path):
Create podpac Node from file.
path : str
path to text file containing a JSON-formatted node definition
podpac Node
See Also
save : save a node to file
with open(path) as f:
d = json.load(f, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
return cls.from_definition(d)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_url(cls, url):
Create podpac Node from a WMS/WCS request.
url : str, dict
The raw WMS/WCS request url, or a dictionary of query parameters
A full Node with sub-nodes based on the definition of the node from the URL
The request can specify the PODPAC node by four different mechanism:
* Direct node name: PODPAC will look for an appropriate node in podpac.datalib
* JSON definition passed using the 'PARAMS' query string: Need to specify the special LAYER/COVERAGE value of
* By pointing at the JSON definition retrievable with a http GET request:
e.g. by setting LAYER/COVERAGE value to https://my-site.org/pipeline_definition.json
* By pointing at the JSON definition retrievable from an S3 bucket that the user has access to:
e.g by setting LAYER/COVERAGE value to s3://my-bucket-name/pipeline_definition.json
query_params = _get_query_params_from_url(url)
if _get_param(query_params, "SERVICE") == "WMS":
layer = _get_param(query_params, "LAYERS")
elif _get_param(query_params, "SERVICE") == "WCS":
layer = _get_param(query_params, "COVERAGE")
d = None
if layer.startswith("https://"):
d = _get_from_url(layer).json()
elif layer.startswith("s3://"):
parts = layer.split("/")
bucket = parts[2]
key = "/".join(parts[3:])
s3 = S3CacheStore(s3_bucket=bucket)
s = s3._load(key)
elif layer == "%PARAMS%":
s = _get_param(query_params, "PARAMS")
p = _get_param(query_params, "PARAMS")
if p is None:
p = "{}"
if not isinstance(p, dict):
p = json.loads(p)
return cls.from_name_params(layer, p)
if d is None:
d = json.loads(s, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
return cls.from_definition(d)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_name_params(cls, name, params=None):
Create podpac Node from a WMS/WCS request.
name : str
The name of the PODPAC Node / Layer
params : dict, optional
Default is None. Dictionary of parameters to modify node attributes, style, or completely/partially define the node.
This dictionary can either be a `Node.definition` or `Node.definition['attrs']`. Node, the specified `name` always
take precidence over anything defined in `params` (e.g. params['node'] won't be used).
A full Node with sub-nodes based on the definition of the node from the node name and parameters
layer = name
p = params
d = None
if p is None:
p = {}
definition = {}
# If one of the special names are in the params list, then add params to the root layer
if "node" in p or "plugin" in p or "style" in p or "attrs" in p:
definition["attrs"] = p
definition.update({"node": layer}) # The user-specified node name ALWAYS takes precidence.
d = OrderedDict({layer.replace(".", "-"): definition})
return cls.from_definition(d)
[docs] @classmethod
def get_ui_spec(cls, help_as_html=False):
"""Get spec of node attributes for building a ui
help_as_html : bool, optional
Default is False. If True, the docstrings will be converted to html before storing in the spec.
Spec for this node that is readily json-serializable
filter = []
spec = {"help": cls.__doc__, "module": cls.__module__ + "." + cls.__name__, "attrs": {}, "style": {}}
# Strip out starting spaces in the help text so that markdown parsing works correctly
if spec["help"] is None:
spec["help"] = "No help text to display."
spec["help"] = spec["help"].replace("\n ", "\n")
if help_as_html:
from numpydoc.docscrape_sphinx import SphinxDocString
from docutils.core import publish_string
tmp = SphinxDocString(spec["help"])
tmp2 = publish_string(str(tmp), writer_name="html")
slc = slice(tmp2.index(b'<div class="document">'), tmp2.index(b"</body>"))
spec["help"] = tmp2[slc].decode()
# find any default values that are defined by function with decorators
# e.g. using @tl.default("trait_name")
# def _default_trait_name(self): ...
function_defaults = {}
for attr in dir(cls):
atr = getattr(cls, attr)
if not isinstance(atr, tl.traitlets.DefaultHandler):
def_val = atr(cls())
def_val = atr(cls)
if isinstance(def_val, NodeTrait):
def_val = def_val.name
print("Changing Nodetrait to string")
# if "NodeTrait" not in str(atr(cls)):
function_defaults[atr.trait_name] = def_val
except Exception:
"For node {}: Failed to generate default from function for trait {}".format(
cls.__name__, atr.trait_name
for attr in dir(cls):
if attr in filter:
attrt = getattr(cls, attr)
if not isinstance(attrt, tl.TraitType):
if not attrt.metadata.get("attr", False):
type_ = attrt.__class__.__name__
schema = getattr(attrt, "_schema")
schema = None
type_extra = str(attrt)
if type_ == "Union":
type_ = [t.__class__.__name__ for t in attrt.trait_types]
type_extra = "Union"
elif type_ == "Instance":
type_ = attrt.klass.__name__
if type_ == "Node":
type_ = "NodeTrait"
type_extra = attrt.klass
elif type_ == "Dict" and schema is None:
schema = {
"key": getattr(attrt, "_key_trait").__class__.__name__,
"value": getattr(attrt, "_value_trait").__class__.__name__,
except Exception as e:
print("Could not find schema for", attrt, " of type", type_)
schema = None
required = attrt.metadata.get("required", False)
hidden = attrt.metadata.get("hidden", False)
if attr in function_defaults:
default_val = function_defaults[attr]
default_val = attrt.default()
if not isinstance(type_extra, str):
type_extra = str(type_extra)
if np.isnan(default_val):
default_val = "nan"
if default_val == tl.Undefined:
default_val = None
spec["attrs"][attr] = {
"type": type_,
"type_str": type_extra, # May remove this if not needed
"values": getattr(attrt, "values", None),
"default": default_val,
"help": attrt.help,
"required": required,
"hidden": hidden,
"schema": schema,
# This returns the
style_json = json.loads(cls().style.json) # load the style from the cls
style_json = {}
spec["style"] = style_json # this does not work, because node not created yet?
I will manually define generic defaults here. Eventually we may want to
dig into this and create node specific styling. This will have to be done under each
node. But may be difficult to add style to each node?
Example: podpac.core.algorithm.utility.SinCoords.Style ----> returns a tl.Instance
BUT if I do:
podpac.core.algorithm.utility.SinCoords().style.json ---> outputs style
ERROR if no parenthesis are given. So how can this be done without instantiating the class?
Will need to ask @MPU how to define a node specific style.
# spec["style"] = {
# "name": "?",
# "units": "m",
# "clim": [-1.0, 1.0],
# "colormap": "jet",
# "enumeration_legend": "?",
# "enumeration_colors": "?",
# "default_enumeration_legend": "unknown",
# "default_enumeration_color": (0.2, 0.2, 0.2),
# }
spec.update(getattr(cls, "_ui_spec", {}))
return spec
def _lookup_input(nodes, name, value):
# containers
if isinstance(value, list):
return [_lookup_input(nodes, name, elem) for elem in value]
if isinstance(value, dict):
return {k: _lookup_input(nodes, name, v) for k, v in value.items()}
# node reference
if not isinstance(value, six.string_types):
raise ValueError(
"Invalid definition for node '%s': invalid reference '%s' of type '%s' in inputs"
% (name, value, type(value))
if not value in nodes:
raise ValueError(
"Invalid definition for node '%s': reference to nonexistent node '%s' in inputs" % (name, value)
node = nodes[value]
# copy in debug mode
if settings["DEBUG"]:
node = deepcopy(node)
return node
def _lookup_attr(nodes, name, value):
# containers
if isinstance(value, list):
return [_lookup_attr(nodes, name, elem) for elem in value]
if isinstance(value, dict):
return {_k: _lookup_attr(nodes, name, v) for k, v in value.items()}
if not isinstance(value, six.string_types):
raise ValueError(
"Invalid definition for node '%s': invalid reference '%s' of type '%s' in lookup_attrs"
% (name, value, type(value))
# node
elems = value.split(".")
if elems[0] not in nodes:
raise ValueError(
"Invalid definition for node '%s': reference to nonexistent node '%s' in lookup_attrs" % (name, elems[0])
# subattrs
attr = nodes[elems[0]]
for n in elems[1:]:
if not hasattr(attr, n):
raise ValueError(
"Invalid definition for node '%s': reference to nonexistent attribute '%s' in lookup_attrs value '%s"
% (name, n, value)
attr = getattr(attr, n)
# copy in debug mode
if settings["DEBUG"]:
attr = deepcopy(attr)
return attr
# --------------------------------------------------------#
# Mixins
# --------------------------------------------------------#
class NoCacheMixin(tl.HasTraits):
"""Mixin to use no cache by default."""
cache_ctrl = tl.Instance(CacheCtrl, allow_none=True)
def _cache_ctrl_default(self):
return CacheCtrl([])
class DiskCacheMixin(tl.HasTraits):
"""Mixin to add disk caching to the Node by default."""
cache_ctrl = tl.Instance(CacheCtrl, allow_none=True)
def _cache_ctrl_default(self):
# get the default cache_ctrl and addd a disk cache store if necessary
default_ctrl = get_default_cache_ctrl()
stores = default_ctrl._cache_stores
if not any(isinstance(store, DiskCacheStore) for store in default_ctrl._cache_stores):
return CacheCtrl(stores)
# --------------------------------------------------------#
# Decorators
# --------------------------------------------------------#