import os
import traitlets as tl
import numpy as np
from lazy_import import lazy_module, lazy_class, lazy_function
zarr = lazy_module("zarr")
zarr_open = lazy_function("")
zarr_open_consolidated = lazy_function("zarr.convenience.open_consolidated")
zarrGroup = lazy_class("zarr.Group")
from podpac.core.authentication import S3Mixin
from podpac.core.utils import common_doc, cached_property
from import BaseFileSource, FileKeysMixin
from podpac.core.interpolation.interpolation import InterpolationMixin
class ZarrRaw(S3Mixin, FileKeysMixin, BaseFileSource):
"""Create a DataSource node using zarr.
source : str
Path to the Zarr archive
file_mode : str, optional
Default is 'r'. The mode used to open the Zarr archive. Options are r, r+, w, w- or x, a.
dataset : zarr.Group
The h5py file object used to read the file
coordinates : :class:`podpac.Coordinates`
data_key : str, int
data key, default 'data'
lat_key : str, int
latitude coordinates key, default 'lat'
lon_key : str, int
longitude coordinates key, default 'lon'
time_key : str, int
time coordinates key, default 'time'
alt_key : str, int
altitude coordinates key, default 'alt'
crs : str
Coordinate reference system of the coordinates
cf_time : bool
decode CF datetimes
cf_units : str
units, when decoding CF datetimes
cf_calendar : str
calendar, when decoding CF datetimes
See Also
Zarr : Interpolated Zarr Datasource for general use.
file_mode = tl.Unicode(default_value="r").tag(readonly=True)
coordinate_index_type = "slice"
_consolidated = False
def _get_store(self):
if self.source.startswith("s3://"):
s3fs = lazy_module("s3fs")
root = self.source.strip("s3://")
s3map = s3fs.S3Map(root=root, s3=self.s3, check=False)
store = s3map
store = str(self.source) # has to be a string in Python2.7 for local files
return store
def chunk_exists(self, index=None, chunk_str=None, data_key=None, chunks=None, list_dir=[]):
Test to see if a chunk exists for a particular slice.
Note: Only the start of the index is used.
index: tuple(slice), optional
Default is None. A tuple of slices indicating the data that the users wants to access
chunk_str: str, optional
Default is None. A string equivalent to the filename of the chunk (.e.g. "1.0.5")
data_key: str, optional
Default is None. The data_key for the zarr array that will be queried.
chunks: list, optional
Defaut is None. The chunk structure of the zarr array. If not provided will use self.dataset[data_key].chunks
list_dir: list, optional
A list of existing paths -- used in lieu of 'exist' calls
if not data_key:
data_key = ""
if not chunks:
if data_key:
chunks = self.dataset[data_key].chunks
chunks = self.dataset.chunks
if index:
chunk_str = ".".join([str(int(s.start // chunks[i])) for i, s in enumerate(index)])
if not index and not chunk_str:
raise ValueError("Either the index or chunk_str needs to be specified")
path = os.path.join(self.source, data_key, chunk_str)
if self.source.startswith("s3:"):
path = path.replace("\\", "/")
path = path.replace("/", os.sep)
if list_dir:
return path in list_dir
if self.source.startswith("s3:"):
fs = self.s3
fs = os.path
return fs.exists(path)
def list_dir(self, data_key=None):
za = self.dataset
if data_key:
za = za[data_key]
data_key = ""
path = os.path.join(self.source, data_key)
if self.source.startswith("s3:"):
path = path.replace("\\", "/")
ld = ["s3://" + p for p in]
path = path.replace("/", os.sep)
ld = [os.path.join(path, p) for p in os.listdir(path)]
return ld
def dataset(self):
store = self._get_store()
# import
# import zarr.open_consolidated
if self.file_mode == "r":
self._consolidated = True
return zarr_open_consolidated(store)
except KeyError:
pass # No consolidated metadata available
self._consolidated = False
return zarr_open(store, mode=self.file_mode)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("No Zarr store found at path '%s'" % self.source)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# public api methods
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def dims(self):
if not isinstance(self.data_key, list):
key = self.data_key
key = self.data_key[0]
return self.dataset[key].attrs["_ARRAY_DIMENSIONS"]
lookup = {self.lat_key: "lat", self.lon_key: "lon", self.alt_key: "alt", self.time_key: "time"}
return [lookup[key] for key in self.dataset if key in lookup]
def _add_keys(self, base_keys):
keys = base_keys.copy()
for bk in base_keys:
new_keys = [bk + "/" + k for k in self.dataset[bk].keys()]
# Remove the group key
except AttributeError:
return keys
def keys(self):
keys = list(self.dataset.keys())
full_keys = self._add_keys(keys)
while keys != full_keys:
keys = full_keys.copy()
full_keys = self._add_keys(keys)
return full_keys
def get_data(self, coordinates, coordinates_index):
data = self.create_output_array(coordinates)
if not isinstance(self.data_key, list):
data[:] = self.dataset[self.data_key][coordinates_index]
for key, name in zip(self.data_key, self.outputs):
data.sel(output=name)[:] = self.dataset[key][coordinates_index]
return data
[docs]class Zarr(InterpolationMixin, ZarrRaw):
"""Zarr Datasource with Interpolation."""