OGC-compliant datasources over HTTP
from __future__ import division, unicode_literals, print_function, absolute_import
import logging
from operator import mul
from functools import reduce
import traitlets as tl
import pyproj
from podpac.core.utils import common_doc, cached_property, resolve_bbox_order
from podpac.core.data.datasource import DataSource
from podpac.core.interpolation.interpolation import InterpolationMixin, InterpolationTrait
from podpac.core.node import NodeException
from podpac.core.coordinates import Coordinates
from podpac.core.coordinates import UniformCoordinates1d, ArrayCoordinates1d, Coordinates1d, StackedCoordinates
# Optional dependencies
from lazy_import import lazy_module, lazy_class
bs4 = lazy_module("bs4")
lxml = lazy_module("lxml") # used by bs4 so want to check if it's available
owslib_wcs = lazy_module("owslib.wcs")
owslib_util = lazy_module("owslib.util")
rasterio = lazy_module("rasterio")
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MockWCSClient(tl.HasTraits):
source = tl.Unicode()
version = tl.Enum(["1.0.0"], default_value="1.0.0")
headers = None
cookies = None
auth = tl.Any()
def getCoverage(
"""Request and return a coverage from the WCS as a file-like object
note: additional **kwargs helps with multi-version implementation
core keyword arguments should be supported cross version
cvg=wcs.getCoverage(identifier=['TuMYrRQ4'], timeSequence=['2792-06-01T00:00:00.0'], bbox=(-112,36,-106,41),
is equivalent to:
from owslib.util import makeString
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from owslib.util import openURL
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
msg = "WCS 1.0.0 DEBUG: Parameters passed to GetCoverage: identifier={}, bbox={}, time={}, format={}, crs={}, width={}, height={}, resx={}, resy={}, resz={}, parameter={}, method={}, other_arguments={}" # noqa
identifier, bbox, time, format, crs, width, height, resx, resy, resz, parameter, method, str(kwargs)
base_url = self.source
logger.debug("WCS 1.0.0 DEBUG: base url of server: %s" % base_url)
# process kwargs
request = {"version": self.version, "request": "GetCoverage", "service": "WCS"}
assert len(identifier) > 0
request["Coverage"] = identifier
# request['identifier'] = ','.join(identifier)
if bbox:
request["BBox"] = ",".join([makeString(x) for x in bbox])
request["BBox"] = None
if time:
request["time"] = ",".join(time)
if crs:
request["crs"] = crs
request["format"] = format
if width:
request["width"] = width
if height:
request["height"] = height
if resx:
request["resx"] = resx
if resy:
request["resy"] = resy
if resz:
request["resz"] = resz
# anything else e.g. vendor specific parameters must go through kwargs
if kwargs:
for kw in kwargs:
request[kw] = kwargs[kw]
# encode and request
data = urlencode(request)
logger.debug("WCS 1.0.0 DEBUG: Second part of URL: %s" % data)
u = openURL(base_url, data, method, self.cookies, auth=self.auth, timeout=timeout, headers=self.headers)
return u
class WCSError(NodeException):
class WCSRaw(DataSource):
Access data from a WCS source.
source : str
WCS server url
layer : str
layer name (required)
version : str
WCS version, passed through to all requests (default '1.0.0')
format : str
Data format, passed through to the GetCoverage requests (default 'geotiff')
crs : str
coordinate reference system, passed through to the GetCoverage requests (default 'EPSG:4326')
interpolation : str
Interpolation, passed through to the GetCoverage requests.
max_size : int
maximum request size, optional.
If provided, the coordinates will be tiled into multiple requests.
allow_mock_client : bool
Default is False. If True, a mock client will be used to make WCS requests. This allows returns
from servers with only partial WCS implementations.
username : str
Username for servers that require authentication
password : str
Password for servers that require authentication
See Also
WCS : WCS datasource with podpac interpolation.
source = tl.Unicode().tag(attr=True, required=True)
layer = tl.Unicode().tag(attr=True, required=True)
version = tl.Unicode(default_value="1.0.0").tag(attr=True)
interpolation = InterpolationTrait(default_value=None, allow_none=True).tag(attr=True)
allow_mock_client = tl.Bool(False).tag(attr=True)
username = tl.Unicode(allow_none=True)
password = tl.Unicode(allow_none=True)
format = tl.CaselessStrEnum(["geotiff", "geotiff_byte"], default_value="geotiff")
crs = tl.Unicode(default_value="EPSG:4326")
max_size = tl.Long(default_value=None, allow_none=True)
wcs_kwargs = tl.Dict(help="Additional query parameters sent to the WCS server")
_repr_keys = ["source", "layer"]
_requested_coordinates = tl.Instance(Coordinates, allow_none=True)
_evaluated_coordinates = tl.Instance(Coordinates)
coordinate_index_type = "slice"
def auth(self):
if self.username and self.password:
return owslib_util.Authentication(username=self.username, password=self.password)
return None
def client(self):
return owslib_wcs.WebCoverageService(self.source, version=self.version, auth=self.auth)
except Exception as e:
if self.allow_mock_client:
"The OWSLIB Client could not be used. Server endpoint likely does not implement GetCapabilities"
"requests. Using Mock client instead. Error was {}".format(e)
return MockWCSClient(source=self.source, version=self.version, auth=self.auth)
raise e
def get_coordinates(self):
Get the full WCS grid.
metadata = self.client.contents[self.layer]
# coordinates
bbox = metadata.boundingBoxWGS84
crs = "EPSG:4326"
logging.debug("WCS available boundingboxes: {}".format(metadata.boundingboxes))
for bboxes in metadata.boundingboxes:
if bboxes["nativeSrs"] == self.crs:
bbox = bboxes["bbox"]
crs = self.crs
low = metadata.grid.lowlimits
high = metadata.grid.highlimits
xsize = int(high[0]) - int(low[0])
ysize = int(high[1]) - int(low[1])
# Based on https://www.ctps.org/geoserver/web/wicket/bookmarkable/org.geoserver.wcs.web.demo.WCSRequestBuilder;jsessionid=9E2AA99F95410C694D05BA609F25527C?0
# The above link points to a geoserver implementation, which is the reference implementation.
# WCS version 1.0.0 always has order lon/lat while version 1.1.1 actually follows the CRS
if self.version == "1.0.0":
rbbox = {"lat": [bbox[1], bbox[3], ysize], "lon": [bbox[0], bbox[2], xsize]}
rbbox = resolve_bbox_order(bbox, crs, (xsize, ysize))
coords = []
coords.append(UniformCoordinates1d(rbbox["lat"][0], rbbox["lat"][1], size=rbbox["lat"][2], name="lat"))
coords.append(UniformCoordinates1d(rbbox["lon"][0], rbbox["lon"][1], size=rbbox["lon"][2], name="lon"))
if metadata.timepositions:
coords.append(ArrayCoordinates1d(metadata.timepositions, name="time"))
if metadata.timelimits:
raise NotImplementedError("TODO")
return Coordinates(coords, crs=crs)
def _eval(self, coordinates, output=None, _selector=None):
"""Evaluates this node using the supplied coordinates.
This method intercepts the DataSource._eval method in order to use the requested coordinates directly when
they are a uniform grid.
coordinates : :class:`podpac.Coordinates`
An exception is raised if the requested coordinates are missing dimensions in the DataSource.
Extra dimensions in the requested coordinates are dropped.
output : :class:`podpac.UnitsDataArray`, optional
_selector: callable(coordinates, request_coordinates)
Cannot evaluate these coordinates
# The mock client cannot figure out the real coordinates, so just duplicate the requested coordinates
if isinstance(self.client, MockWCSClient):
if not coordinates["lat"].is_uniform or not coordinates["lon"].is_uniform:
raise NotImplementedError(
"When using the Mock WCS client, the requested coordinates need to be uniform."
self.set_trait("_coordinates", coordinates)
self.set_trait("crs", coordinates.crs)
# remove extra dimensions
extra = [
for c in coordinates.values()
if (isinstance(c, Coordinates1d) and c.name not in self.coordinates.udims)
or (isinstance(c, StackedCoordinates) and all(dim not in self.coordinates.udims for dim in c.dims))
coordinates = coordinates.drop(extra)
# the datasource does do this, but we need to do it here to correctly select the correct case
if self.coordinates.crs.lower() != coordinates.crs.lower():
coordinates = coordinates.transform(self.coordinates.crs)
# for a uniform grid, use the requested coordinates (the WCS server will interpolate)
if (
("lat" in coordinates.dims and "lon" in coordinates.dims)
and (coordinates["lat"].is_uniform or coordinates["lat"].size == 1)
and (coordinates["lon"].is_uniform or coordinates["lon"].size == 1)
def selector(rsc, coordinates, index_type=None):
return coordinates, None
return super()._eval(coordinates, output=output, _selector=selector)
# for uniform stacked, unstack to use the requested coordinates (the WCS server will interpolate)
if (
("lat" in coordinates.udims and coordinates.is_stacked("lat"))
and ("lon" in coordinates.udims and coordinates.is_stacked("lon"))
and (coordinates["lat"].is_uniform or coordinates["lat"].size == 1)
and (coordinates["lon"].is_uniform or coordinates["lon"].size == 1)
def selector(rsc, coordinates, index_type=None):
unstacked = coordinates.unstack()
unstacked = unstacked.drop("alt", ignore_missing=True) # if lat_lon_alt
return unstacked, None
udata = super()._eval(coordinates, output=None, _selector=selector)
data = udata.data.diagonal() # get just the stacked data
if output is None:
output = self.create_output_array(coordinates, data=data)
output.data[:] = data
return output
# otherwise, pass-through (podpac will select and interpolate)
return super()._eval(coordinates, output=output, _selector=_selector)
def _get_data(self, coordinates, coordinates_index):
# transpose the coordinates to match the response data
if "time" in coordinates:
coordinates = coordinates.transpose("time", "lat", "lon")
coordinates = coordinates.transpose("lat", "lon")
# determine the chunk size (if applicable)
if self.max_size is not None:
shape = []
s = 1
for n in coordinates.shape:
r = self.max_size // s
if r == 0:
elif r < n:
s *= n
shape = tuple(shape)
shape = coordinates.shape
# request each chunk and composite the data
output = self.create_output_array(coordinates)
for i, (chunk, slc) in enumerate(coordinates.iterchunks(shape, return_slices=True)):
output[slc] = self._get_chunk(chunk)
return output
def _get_chunk(self, coordinates):
if coordinates["lon"].size == 1:
w = coordinates["lon"].coordinates[0]
e = coordinates["lon"].coordinates[0]
w = coordinates["lon"].start - coordinates["lon"].step / 2.0
e = coordinates["lon"].stop + coordinates["lon"].step / 2.0
if coordinates["lat"].size == 1:
s = coordinates["lat"].coordinates[0]
n = coordinates["lat"].coordinates[0]
s = coordinates["lat"].start - coordinates["lat"].step / 2.0
n = coordinates["lat"].stop + coordinates["lat"].step / 2.0
width = coordinates["lon"].size
height = coordinates["lat"].size
kwargs = self.wcs_kwargs.copy()
if "time" in coordinates:
kwargs["time"] = coordinates["time"].coordinates.astype(str).tolist()
if isinstance(self.interpolation, str):
kwargs["interpolation"] = self.interpolation
"WCS GetCoverage (source=%s, layer=%s, bbox=%s, shape=%s, time=%s)"
% (self.source, self.layer, (w, n, e, s), (width, height), kwargs.get("time"))
crs = pyproj.CRS(coordinates.crs)
bbox = (min(w, e), min(s, n), max(e, w), max(n, s))
# Based on the spec I need the following line, but
# all my tests on other servers suggests I don't need this...
# if crs.axis_info[0].direction == "north":
# bbox = (min(s, n), min(w, e), max(n, s), max(e, w))
response = self.client.getCoverage(
content = response.read()
# check for errors
xml = bs4.BeautifulSoup(content, "lxml")
error = xml.find("serviceexception")
if error:
raise WCSError(error.text)
# get data using rasterio
with rasterio.MemoryFile() as mf:
dataset = mf.open(driver="GTiff")
except rasterio.RasterioIOError:
raise WCSError("Could not read file with contents:", content)
if "time" in coordinates and coordinates["time"].size > 1:
# this should be easy to do, I'm just not sure how the data comes back.
# is each time in a different band?
raise NotImplementedError("TODO")
data = dataset.read().astype(float).squeeze()
# Need to fix the order of the data in the case of multiple bands
if len(data.shape) == 3:
data = data.transpose((1, 2, 0))
# Need to fix the data order. The request and response order is always the same in WCS, but not in PODPAC
if n > s: # By default it returns the data upside down, so this is backwards
data = data[::-1]
if e < w:
data = data[:, ::-1]
return data
def get_layers(cls, source=None):
if source is None:
source = cls.source
client = owslib_wcs.WebCoverageService(source)
return list(client.contents)
[docs]class WCS(InterpolationMixin, WCSRaw):
"""WCS datasource with podpac interpolation."""
coordinate_index_type = tl.Unicode("slice", read_only=True)