Multidimensional Coordinates
from __future__ import division, unicode_literals, print_function, absolute_import
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
import sys
import itertools
import json
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np
import traitlets as tl
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
import xarray.core.coordinates
from six import string_types
import pyproj
import logging
import podpac
from podpac.core.settings import settings
from podpac.core.utils import OrderedDictTrait, _get_query_params_from_url, _get_param, cached_property
from podpac.core.coordinates.utils import has_alt_units
from podpac.core.coordinates.base_coordinates import BaseCoordinates
from podpac.core.coordinates.coordinates1d import Coordinates1d
from podpac.core.coordinates.array_coordinates1d import ArrayCoordinates1d
from podpac.core.coordinates.uniform_coordinates1d import UniformCoordinates1d
from podpac.core.coordinates.stacked_coordinates import StackedCoordinates
from podpac.core.coordinates.affine_coordinates import AffineCoordinates
from podpac.core.coordinates.cfunctions import clinspace
from podpac.core.utils import hash_alg
# Optional dependencies
from lazy_import import lazy_module, lazy_class
rasterio = lazy_module("rasterio")
# Set up logging
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class Coordinates(tl.HasTraits):
Multidimensional Coordinates.
Coordinates are used to evaluate Nodes and to define the coordinates of a DataSource nodes. The API is modeled after
coords in `xarray <http://xarray.pydata.org/en/stable/data-structures.html>`_:
* Coordinates are created from a list of coordinate values and dimension names.
* Coordinate values are always either ``float`` or ``np.datetime64``. For convenience, podpac
automatically converts datetime strings such as ``'2018-01-01'`` to ``np.datetime64``.
* The allowed dimensions are ``'lat'``, ``'lon'``, ``'time'``, and ``'alt'``.
* Coordinates from multiple dimensions can be stacked together to represent a *list* of coordinates instead of a
*grid* of coordinates. The name of the stacked coordinates uses an underscore to combine the underlying
dimensions, e.g. ``'lat_lon'``.
Coordinates are dict-like, for example:
* get coordinates by dimension name: ``coords['lat']``
* get iterable dimension keys and coordinates values: ``coords.keys()``, ``coords.values()``
* loop through dimensions: ``for dim in coords: ...``
Tuple of dimension names, potentially stacked.
Tuple of individual dimension names, always unstacked.
crs = tl.Unicode(read_only=True, allow_none=True)
_coords = OrderedDictTrait(value_trait=tl.Instance(BaseCoordinates), default_value=OrderedDict())
[docs] def __init__(self, coords, dims=None, crs=None, validate_crs=True):
Create multidimensional coordinates.
coords : list
List of coordinate values for each dimension. Valid coordinate values:
* single coordinate value (number, datetime64, or str)
* array of coordinate values
* list of stacked coordinate values
* :class:`Coordinates1d` or :class:`StackedCoordinates` object
dims : list of str, optional
List of dimension names. Optional if all items in ``coords`` are named. Valid names are
* 'lat', 'lon', 'alt', or 'time' for unstacked coordinates
* dimension names joined by an underscore for stacked coordinates
crs : str, optional
Coordinate reference system. Supports PROJ4 and WKT.
validate_crs : bool, optional
Use False to skip crs validation. Default True.
if not isinstance(coords, (list, tuple, np.ndarray, xr.DataArray)):
raise TypeError("Invalid coords, expected list or array, not '%s'" % type(coords))
if dims is not None and not isinstance(dims, (tuple, list)):
raise TypeError("Invalid dims type '%s'" % type(dims))
if dims is None:
for i, c in enumerate(coords):
if not isinstance(c, (BaseCoordinates, xr.DataArray)):
raise TypeError(
"Cannot get dim for coordinates at position %d with type '%s'"
"(expected 'Coordinates1d' or 'DataArray')" % (i, type(c))
dims = [c.name for c in coords]
if len(dims) != len(coords):
raise ValueError("coords and dims size mismatch, %d != %d" % (len(dims), len(coords)))
# get/create coordinates
dcoords = OrderedDict()
for i, dim in enumerate(dims):
if isinstance(dim, (tuple, list)):
dim = "_".join(dim)
if dim in dcoords:
raise ValueError("Duplicate dimension '%s' at position %d" % (dim, i))
# coerce
if isinstance(coords[i], BaseCoordinates):
c = coords[i]
elif "_" in dim:
c = StackedCoordinates(coords[i])
c = ArrayCoordinates1d(coords[i])
# propagate name
# set coords
dcoords[dim] = c
self.set_trait("_coords", dcoords)
if crs is not None:
# validate
if validate_crs:
# raises pyproj.CRSError if invalid
CRS = pyproj.CRS(crs)
# make sure CRS defines vertical units
if "alt" in self.udims and not has_alt_units(CRS):
raise ValueError("Altitude dimension is defined, but CRS does not contain vertical unit")
crs = self.set_trait("crs", crs)
super(Coordinates, self).__init__()
def _validate_coords(self, d):
val = d["value"]
if len(val) == 0:
return val
for dim, c in val.items():
if dim != c.name:
raise ValueError("Dimension mismatch, '%s' != '%s'" % (dim, c.name))
dims = [dim for c in val.values() for dim in c.dims]
for dim in dims:
if dims.count(dim) != 1:
raise ValueError("Duplicate dimension '%s' in dims %s" % (dim, tuple(val.keys())))
return val
def _default_crs(self):
return settings["DEFAULT_CRS"]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Alternate constructors
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _coords_from_dict(d, order=None):
if sys.version < "3.6":
if order is None and len(d) > 1:
raise TypeError("order required")
if order is not None:
if set(order) != set(d):
raise ValueError("order %s does not match dims %s" % (order, d))
order = d.keys()
coords = []
for dim in order:
if isinstance(d[dim], Coordinates1d):
c = d[dim].copy(name=dim)
elif isinstance(d[dim], tuple):
c = UniformCoordinates1d.from_tuple(d[dim], name=dim)
c = ArrayCoordinates1d(d[dim], name=dim)
return coords
[docs] @classmethod
def grid(cls, dims=None, crs=None, **kwargs):
Create a grid of coordinates.
Valid coordinate values:
* single coordinate value (number, datetime64, or str)
* array of coordinate values
* ``(start, stop, step)`` tuple for uniformly-spaced coordinates
* Coordinates1d object
This is equivalent to creating unstacked coordinates with a list of coordinate values::
podpac.Coordinates.grid(lat=[0, 1, 2], lon=[10, 20], dims=['lat', 'lon'])
podpac.Coordinates([[0, 1, 2], [10, 20]], dims=['lan', 'lon'])
lat : optional
coordinates for the latitude dimension
lon : optional
coordinates for the longitude dimension
alt : optional
coordinates for the altitude dimension
time : optional
coordinates for the time dimension
dims : list of str, optional in Python>=3.6
List of dimension names, must match the provided keyword arguments. In Python 3.6 and above, the ``dims``
argument is optional, and the dims will match the order of the provided keyword arguments.
crs : str, optional
Coordinate reference system. Supports any PROJ4 or PROJ6 compliant string (https://proj.org).
podpac Coordinates
See Also
coords = cls._coords_from_dict(kwargs, order=dims)
return cls(coords, crs=crs)
[docs] @classmethod
def points(cls, crs=None, dims=None, **kwargs):
Create a list of multidimensional coordinates.
Valid coordinate values:
* single coordinate value (number, datetime64, or str)
* array of coordinate values
* ``(start, stop, step)`` tuple for uniformly-spaced coordinates
* Coordinates1d object
Note that the coordinates for each dimension must be the same size.
This is equivalent to creating stacked coordinates with a list of coordinate values and a stacked dimension
podpac.Coordinates.points(lat=[0, 1, 2], lon=[10, 20, 30], dims=['lat', 'lon'])
podpac.Coordinates([[[0, 1, 2], [10, 20, 30]]], dims=['lan_lon'])
lat : optional
coordinates for the latitude dimension
lon : optional
coordinates for the longitude dimension
alt : optional
coordinates for the altitude dimension
time : optional
coordinates for the time dimension
dims : list of str, optional in Python>=3.6
List of dimension names, must match the provided keyword arguments. In Python 3.6 and above, the ``dims``
argument is optional, and the dims will match the order of the provided keyword arguments.
crs : str, optional
Coordinate reference system. Supports any PROJ4 or PROJ6 compliant string (https://proj.org/).
podpac Coordinates
See Also
coords = cls._coords_from_dict(kwargs, order=dims)
stacked = StackedCoordinates(coords)
return cls([stacked], crs=crs)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_xarray(cls, x, crs=None, validate_crs=False):
Create podpac Coordinates from xarray coords.
x : DataArray, Dataset, DataArrayCoordinates, DatasetCoordinates
DataArray, Dataset, or xarray coordinates
crs : str, optional
Coordinate reference system. Supports any PROJ4 or PROJ6 compliant string (https://proj.org/).
If not provided, the crs will be loaded from ``x.attrs`` if possible.
validate_crs: bool, optional
Default is False. If True, the crs will be validated.
coords : :class:`Coordinates`
podpac Coordinates
d = OrderedDict()
if isinstance(x, (xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset)):
# only pull crs from the DataArray attrs if the crs is not specified
if crs is None:
crs = x.attrs.get("crs")
xcoords = x.coords
if "geotransform" in x.attrs:
other = cls.from_xarray(xcoords, crs=crs, validate_crs=validate_crs).udrop(["lat", "lon"])
latshape = xcoords["lat"].shape
lonshape = xcoords["lon"].shape
if latshape == lonshape and len(latshape) == 2:
shape = latshape
shape = [latshape[0], lonshape[0]]
xdims = list(xcoords.keys())
if xdims.index("lat") > xdims.index("lon"):
shape = shape[::-1]
lat_lon = cls.from_geotransform(x.geotransform, shape=shape, crs=crs, validate_crs=validate_crs)
coords = merge_dims([other, lat_lon])
# These dims might have something like lat_lon-1, lat_lon-2, so eliminate the '-' ...
dims = [d.split("-")[0] for d in xcoords.dims if d != "output"]
# ... and make sure it's all unique without changing order (np.unique would change order...)
dims = [d for i, d in enumerate(dims) if d not in dims[:i]]
coords = coords.transpose(*dims)
return coords
elif isinstance(x, (xarray.core.coordinates.DataArrayCoordinates, xarray.core.coordinates.DatasetCoordinates)):
xcoords = x
raise TypeError(
"Coordinates.from_xarray expects an xarray DataArray or DataArrayCoordinates, not '%s'" % type(x)
# warn if crs is not provided as an argument OR in the data array
if crs is None:
warnings.warn("using default crs for podpac coordinates loaded from xarray because no crs was provided")
for dim in xcoords.dims:
if dim in d:
if dim == "output":
if "-" in dim:
dim, _ = dim.split("-")
if dim in xcoords.indexes and isinstance(xcoords.indexes[dim], pd.MultiIndex):
# 1d stacked
d[dim] = StackedCoordinates.from_xarray(xcoords[dim])
elif "_" in dim:
# nd stacked
d[dim] = StackedCoordinates([xcoords[k] for k in dim.split("_")], name=dim)
# unstacked
d[dim] = ArrayCoordinates1d.from_xarray(xcoords[dim])
coords = cls(list(d.values()), crs=crs, validate_crs=validate_crs)
return coords
[docs] @classmethod
def from_json(cls, s):
Create podpac Coordinates from a coordinates JSON definition.
Example JSON definition::
"name": "lat",
"start": 1,
"stop": 10,
"step": 0.5,
"name": "lon",
"start": 1,
"stop": 2,
"size": 100
"name": "time",
"values": [
s : str
coordinates JSON definition
podpac Coordinates
See Also
d = json.loads(s)
return cls.from_definition(d)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_url(cls, url):
Create podpac Coordinates from a WMS/WCS request.
url : str, dict
The raw WMS/WCS request url, or a dictionary of query parameters
podpac Coordinates
params = _get_query_params_from_url(url)
coords = OrderedDict()
# The ordering here is lat/lon or y/x for WMS 1.3.0
# The ordering here is lon/lat or x/y for WMS 1.1
# See https://docs.geoserver.org/stable/en/user/services/wms/reference.html
# and https://docs.geoserver.org/stable/en/user/services/wms/basics.html
bbox = np.array(_get_param(params, "BBOX").split(","), float)
# Note, version 1.1 used "SRS" and 1.3 uses 'CRS'
coords["crs"] = _get_param(params, "SRS")
if coords["crs"] is None:
coords["crs"] = _get_param(params, "CRS")
if _get_param(params, "SERVICE") == "WCS":
r = -1
elif _get_param(params, "VERSION").startswith("1.1"):
r = -1
elif _get_param(params, "VERSION").startswith("1.3"):
r = 1
crs = pyproj.CRS(coords["crs"])
if crs.axis_info[0].direction != "north":
r = -1
r = 1
# Extract bounding box information and translate to PODPAC coordinates
start = bbox[:2][::r]
stop = bbox[2::][::r]
size = np.array([_get_param(params, "WIDTH"), _get_param(params, "HEIGHT")], int)[::r]
coords["coords"] = [
{"name": "lat", "start": stop[0], "stop": start[0], "size": size[0]},
{"name": "lon", "start": start[1], "stop": stop[1], "size": size[1]},
if "TIME" in params:
coords["coords"].append({"name": "time", "values": [_get_param(params, "TIME")]})
return cls.from_definition(coords)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_definition(cls, d):
Create podpac Coordinates from a coordinates definition.
d : list
coordinates definition
podpac Coordinates
See Also
from_json, definition
if not isinstance(d, dict):
raise TypeError("Could not parse coordinates definition, expected type 'dict', got '%s'" % type(d))
if "coords" not in d:
raise ValueError("Could not parse coordinates definition, 'coords' required")
if not isinstance(d["coords"], list):
raise TypeError(
"Could not parse coordinates definition, expected 'coords' of type 'list', got '%s'"
% (type(d["coords"]))
coords = []
for e in d["coords"]:
if isinstance(e, list):
c = StackedCoordinates.from_definition(e)
elif "start" in e and "stop" in e and ("step" in e or "size" in e):
c = UniformCoordinates1d.from_definition(e)
elif "name" in e and "values" in e:
c = ArrayCoordinates1d.from_definition(e)
elif "geotransform" in e and "shape" in e:
c = AffineCoordinates.from_definition(e)
raise ValueError("Could not parse coordinates definition item with keys %s" % e.keys())
kwargs = {k: v for k, v in d.items() if k != "coords"}
return cls(coords, **kwargs)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# standard dict-like methods
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def keys(self):
"""dict-like keys: dims"""
return self._coords.keys()
[docs] def values(self):
"""dict-like values: coordinates for each key/dimension"""
return self._coords.values()
[docs] def items(self):
"""dict-like items: (dim, coordinates) pairs"""
return self._coords.items()
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._coords)
[docs] def get(self, dim, default=None):
"""dict-like get: get coordinates by dimension name with an optional"""
return self[dim]
except KeyError:
return default
def __getitem__(self, index):
if isinstance(index, string_types):
dim = index
if dim in self._coords:
return self._coords[dim]
# extracts individual coords from stacked and dependent coordinates
for c in self._coords.values():
if isinstance(c, StackedCoordinates) and dim in c.dims:
return c[dim]
raise KeyError("Dimension '%s' not found in Coordinates %s" % (dim, self.dims))
# extend index to a tuple of the correct length
if not isinstance(index, tuple):
index = (index,)
index = index + tuple(slice(None) for i in range(self.ndim - len(index)))
# bundle shaped coordinates indices
indices = []
i = 0
for c in self._coords.values():
if c.ndim == 1:
indices.append(tuple(index[i : i + c.ndim]))
i += c.ndim
cs = [c[I] for c, I in zip(self._coords.values(), indices)]
return Coordinates(cs, validate_crs=False, **self.properties)
def __setitem__(self, dim, c):
# coerce
if isinstance(c, BaseCoordinates):
elif isinstance(c, Coordinates):
c = c[dim]
elif "_" in dim:
c = StackedCoordinates(c)
c = ArrayCoordinates1d(c)
if dim in self.dims:
d = self._coords.copy()
d[dim] = c
self._coords = d
elif dim in self.udims:
stacked_dim = [sd for sd in self.dims if dim in sd][0]
self._coords[stacked_dim][dim] = c
raise KeyError("Cannot set dimension '%s' in Coordinates %s" % (dim, self.dims))
def __delitem__(self, dim):
if not dim in self.dims:
raise KeyError("Cannot delete dimension '%s' in Coordinates %s" % (dim, self.dims))
del self._coords[dim]
def __len__(self):
return len(self._coords)
[docs] def update(self, other):
"""dict-like update: add/replace coordinates using another Coordinates object"""
if not isinstance(other, Coordinates):
raise TypeError("Cannot update Coordinates with object of type '%s'" % type(other))
d = self._coords.copy()
self._coords = d
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Coordinates):
return False
# shortcuts
if self.dims != other.dims:
return False
if self.shape != other.shape:
return False
# properties
# TODO check transform instead
if self.CRS != other.CRS:
return False
# full check of underlying coordinates
if self._coords != other._coords:
return False
return True
if sys.version < "3":
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Properties
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def dims(self):
""":tuple: Tuple of dimension names, potentially stacked.
See Also
return tuple(c.name for c in self._coords.values())
def xdims(self):
""":tuple: Tuple of indexing dimension names used to make xarray DataArray.
Unless there are shaped (ndim>1) coordinates, this will match the ``dims``.
return tuple(dim for c in self._coords.values() for dim in c.xdims)
def udims(self):
""":tuple: Tuple of unstacked dimension names.
If there are no stacked dimensions, then ``dims`` and ``udims`` will be the same::
In [1]: lat = [0, 1]
In [2]: lon = [10, 20]
In [3]: time = '2018-01-01'
In [4]: c = podpac.Coordinates([lat, lon, time], dims=['lat', 'lon', 'time'])
In [5]: c.dims
Out[5]: ('lat', 'lon', 'time')
In [6]: c.udims
Out[6]: ('lat', 'lon', 'time')
If there are stacked dimensions, then ``udims`` contains the individual dimension names::
In [7]: c = podpac.Coordinates([[lat, lon], time], dims=['lat_lon', 'time'])
In [8]: c.dims
Out[8]: ('lat_lon', 'time')
In [9]: c.udims
Out[9]: ('lat', 'lon', 'time')
See Also
return tuple(dim for c in self._coords.values() for dim in c.udims)
def shape(self):
""":tuple: Tuple of the number of coordinates in each dimension."""
return tuple(size for c in self._coords.values() for size in c.shape)
def ushape(self):
return tuple(self[dim].size for dim in self.udims)
def ndim(self):
""":int: Number of dimensions."""
return len(self.shape)
def size(self):
""":int: Total number of coordinates."""
if len(self.shape) == 0:
return 0
return np.prod(self.shape)
def bounds(self):
""":dict: Dictionary of (low, high) coordinates bounds in each unstacked dimension"""
return {dim: self[dim].bounds for dim in self.udims}
def xcoords(self):
:dict: xarray coords
xcoords = OrderedDict()
for c in self._coords.values():
return xcoords
def CRS(self):
return pyproj.CRS(self.crs)
def alt_units(self):
CRS = self.CRS
if not has_alt_units(CRS):
return None
# try to get vunits
d = CRS.to_dict()
if "vunits" in d:
return d["vunits"]
# get from axis info (is this is ever useful)
for axis in self.CRS.axis_info:
if axis.direction == "up":
return axis.unit_name # may need to be converted, e.g. "centimetre" > "cm"
raise RuntimeError("Could not get alt_units from crs '%s'" % self.crs)
def properties(self):
""":dict: Dictionary of the coordinate properties."""
d = OrderedDict()
d["crs"] = self.crs
return d
def definition(self):
""":list: Serializable coordinates definition."""
d = OrderedDict()
d["coords"] = [c.definition for c in self._coords.values()]
return d
def full_definition(self):
""":list: Serializable coordinates definition, containing all properties. For internal use."""
d = OrderedDict()
d["coords"] = [c.full_definition for c in self._coords.values()]
# "wkt" is suggested as best format: https://proj.org/faq.html#what-is-the-best-format-for-describing-coordinate-reference-systems
d["crs"] = self.CRS.to_wkt()
return d
def json(self):
""":str: JSON-serialized coordinates definition.
The ``json`` can be used to create new Coordinates::
c = podapc.Coordinates(...)
c2 = podpac.Coordinates.from_json(c.definition)
The serialized definition is used to define coordinates in node definitions and to transport coordinates, e.g.
over HTTP and in AWS lambda functions. It also provides a consistent hashable value.
See Also
return json.dumps(self.definition, separators=(",", ":"), cls=podpac.core.utils.JSONEncoder)
def hash(self):
""":str: Coordinates hash value."""
# We can't use self.json for the hash because the CRS is not standardized.
# As such, we json.dumps the full definition.
json_d = json.dumps(self.full_definition, separators=(",", ":"), cls=podpac.core.utils.JSONEncoder)
return hash_alg(json_d.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
def geotransform(self):
""":tuple: GDAL geotransform."""
# Make sure we only have 1 time and alt dimension
if "time" in self.udims and self["time"].size > 1:
raise TypeError(
'Only 2-D coordinates have a GDAL transform. This array has a "time" dimension of {} > 1'.format(
if "alt" in self.udims and self["alt"].size > 1:
raise TypeError(
'Only 2-D coordinates have a GDAL transform. This array has a "alt" dimension of {} > 1'.format(
# Do the uniform coordinates case
if (
"lat" in self.dims
and "lon" in self.dims
and self._coords["lat"].is_uniform
and self._coords["lon"].is_uniform
if self.dims.index("lon") < self.dims.index("lat"):
first, second = "lat", "lon"
first, second = "lon", "lat" # This case will have the exact correct geotransform
transform = rasterio.transform.Affine.translation(
self[first].start - self[first].step / 2, self[second].start - self[second].step / 2
) * rasterio.transform.Affine.scale(self[first].step, self[second].step)
transform = transform.to_gdal()
elif "lat_lon" in self.dims and isinstance(self._coords["lat_lon"], AffineCoordinates):
transform = self._coords["lat_lon"].geotransform
elif "lon_lat" in self.dims and isinstance(self._coords["lon_lat"], AffineCoordinates):
transform = self._coords["lon_lat"].geotransform
raise TypeError(
"Only 2-D coordinates that are uniform or rotated have a GDAL transform. These coordinates "
"{} do not.".format(self)
if self.udims.index("lon") < self.udims.index("lat"):
# transform = (transform[3], transform[5], transform[4], transform[0], transform[2], transform[1])
transform = transform[3:] + transform[:3]
return transform
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Methods
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_area_bounds(self, boundary):
"""Get coordinate area bounds, including segment information, for each unstacked dimension.
boundary : dict
dictionary of boundary offsets for each unstacked dimension. Non-segment dimensions can be omitted.
area_bounds : dict
Dictionary of (low, high) coordinates area_bounds in each unstacked dimension
area_bounds = {}
for dim, c in self._coords.items():
if isinstance(c, StackedCoordinates):
area_bounds[dim] = c.get_area_bounds(boundary.get(dim))
return area_bounds
[docs] def drop(self, dims, ignore_missing=False):
Remove the given dimensions from the Coordinates `dims`.
dims : str, list
Dimension(s) to drop.
ignore_missing : bool, optional
If True, do not raise an exception if a given dimension is not in ``dims``. Default ``False``.
Coordinates object with the given dimensions removed
If a given dimension is missing in the Coordinates (and ignore_missing is ``False``).
See Also
if not isinstance(dims, (tuple, list)):
dims = (dims,)
for dim in dims:
if not isinstance(dim, string_types):
raise TypeError("Invalid drop dimension type '%s'" % type(dim))
if dim not in self.dims and not ignore_missing:
raise KeyError("Dimension '%s' not found in Coordinates with dims %s" % (dim, self.dims))
return Coordinates(
[c for c in self._coords.values() if c.name not in dims], validate_crs=False, **self.properties
[docs] def udrop(self, dims, ignore_missing=False):
Remove the given individual dimensions from the Coordinates `udims`.
Unlike `drop`, ``udrop`` will remove parts of stacked coordinates::
In [1]: c = podpac.Coordinates([[[0, 1], [10, 20]], '2018-01-01'], dims=['lat_lon', 'time'])
In [2]: c
lat_lon[lat]: ArrayCoordinates1d(lat): Bounds[0.0, 1.0], N[2]
lat_lon[lon]: ArrayCoordinates1d(lon): Bounds[10.0, 20.0], N[2]
time: ArrayCoordinates1d(time): Bounds[2018-01-01, 2018-01-01], N[1]
In [3]: c.udrop('lat')
lon: ArrayCoordinates1d(lon): Bounds[10.0, 20.0], N[2]
time: ArrayCoordinates1d(time): Bounds[2018-01-01, 2018-01-01], N[1]
dims : str, list
Individual dimension(s) to drop.
ignore_missing : bool, optional
If True, do not raise an exception if a given dimension is not in ``udims``. Default ``False``.
Coordinates object with the given dimensions removed.
If a given dimension is missing in the Coordinates (and ignore_missing is ``False``).
See Also
if not isinstance(dims, (tuple, list)):
dims = (dims,)
for dim in dims:
if not isinstance(dim, string_types):
raise TypeError("Invalid drop dimension type '%s'" % type(dim))
if dim not in self.udims and not ignore_missing:
raise KeyError("Dimension '%s' not found in Coordinates with udims %s" % (dim, self.udims))
cs = []
for c in self._coords.values():
if isinstance(c, Coordinates1d):
if c.name not in dims:
elif isinstance(c, StackedCoordinates):
stacked = [s for s in c if s.name not in dims]
if len(stacked) == len(c):
# preserves parameterized stacked coordinates such as AffineCoordinates
elif len(stacked) > 1:
elif len(stacked) == 1:
return Coordinates(cs, validate_crs=False, **self.properties)
[docs] def intersect(self, other, dims=None, outer=False, return_index=False):
Get the coordinate values that are within the bounds of a given coordinates object.
The intersection is calculated in each dimension separately.
The default intersection selects coordinates that are within the other coordinates bounds::
In [1]: coords = Coordinates([[0, 1, 2, 3]], dims=['lat'])
In [2]: other = Coordinates([[1.5, 2.5]], dims=['lat'])
In [3]: coords.intersect(other).coords
* lat (lat) float64 2.0
The *outer* intersection selects the minimal set of coordinates that contain the other coordinates::
In [4]: coords.intersect(other, outer=True).coords
* lat (lat) float64 1.0 2.0 3.0
The *outer* intersection also selects a boundary coordinate if the other coordinates are outside this
coordinates bounds but *inside* its area bounds::
In [5]: other_near = Coordinates([[3.25]], dims=['lat'])
In [6]: other_far = Coordinates([[10.0]], dims=['lat'])
In [7]: coords.intersect(other_near, outer=True).coords
* lat (lat) float64 3.0
In [8]: coords.intersect(other_far, outer=True).coords
* lat (lat) float64
other : :class:`Coordinates1d`, :class:`StackedCoordinates`, :class:`Coordinates`
Coordinates to intersect with.
dims : list, optional
Restrict intersection to the given dimensions. Default is all available dimensions.
outer : bool, optional
If True, do an *outer* intersection. Default False.
return_index : bool, optional
If True, return index for the selection in addition to coordinates. Default False.
intersection : :class:`Coordinates`
Coordinates object consisting of the intersection in each dimension.
selection_index : list
List of indices for each dimension that produces the intersection, only if ``return_index`` is True.
if not isinstance(other, Coordinates):
raise TypeError("Coordinates cannot be intersected with type '%s'" % type(other))
if other.crs.lower() != self.crs.lower():
other = other.transform(self.crs)
bounds = other.bounds
if dims is not None:
bounds = {dim: bounds[dim] for dim in dims} # if dim in bounds}
return self.select(bounds, outer=outer, return_index=return_index)
[docs] def select(self, bounds, return_index=False, outer=False):
Get the coordinate values that are within the given bounds for each dimension.
The default selection returns coordinates that are within the bounds::
In [1]: c = Coordinates([[0, 1, 2, 3], [10, 20, 30, 40]], dims=['lat', 'lon'])
In [2]: c.select({'lat': [1.5, 3.5]})
lat: ArrayCoordinates1d(lat): Bounds[2.0, 3.0], N[2]
lon: ArrayCoordinates1d(lon): Bounds[10.0, 40.0], N[4]
In [3]: c.select({'lat': [1.5, 3.5], 'lon': [25, 45]})
lat: ArrayCoordinates1d(lat): Bounds[2.0, 3.0], N[2]
lon: ArrayCoordinates1d(lon): Bounds[30.0, 40.0], N[2]
The *outer* selection returns the minimal set of coordinates that contain the bounds::
In [4]: c.select({'lat':[1.5, 3.5]}, outer=True)
lat: ArrayCoordinates1d(lat): Bounds[1.0, 3.0], N[3]
lon: ArrayCoordinates1d(lon): Bounds[10.0, 40.0], N[4]
bounds : dict
Selection bounds for the desired coordinates.
outer : bool, optional
If True, do *outer* selections. Default False.
return_index : bool, optional
If True, return index for the selections in addition to coordinates. Default False.
selection : :class:`Coordinates`
Coordinates object with coordinates within the given bounds.
selection_index : list
index for the selected coordinates in each dimension (only if return_index=True)
selections = [c.select(bounds, outer=outer, return_index=return_index) for c in self._coords.values()]
return self._make_selected_coordinates(selections, return_index)
def _make_selected_coordinates(self, selections, return_index):
if return_index:
coords = Coordinates([c for c, I in selections], validate_crs=False, **self.properties)
# unbundle shaped indices
I = [I if c.ndim > 1 else [I] for c, I in selections]
I = [e for l in I for e in l]
return coords, tuple(I)
return Coordinates(selections, validate_crs=False, **self.properties)
[docs] def unique(self, return_index=False):
Remove duplicate coordinate values from each dimension.
return_index : bool, optional
If True, return index for the unique coordinates in addition to the coordinates. Default False.
unique : :class:`podpac.Coordinates`
New Coordinates object with unique, sorted coordinate values in each dimension.
unique_index : list of indices
index for the unique coordinates in each dimension (only if return_index=True)
if self.ndim == 0:
if return_index:
return self[:], tuple()
return self[:]
cs, I = zip(*[c.unique(return_index=True) for c in self.values()])
unique = Coordinates(cs, validate_crs=False, **self.properties)
if return_index:
return unique, I
return unique
[docs] def unstack(self):
Unstack the coordinates of all of the dimensions.
unstacked : :class:`podpac.Coordinates`
A new Coordinates object with unstacked coordinates.
See Also
return Coordinates([self[dim] for dim in self.udims], validate_crs=False, **self.properties)
[docs] def iterchunks(self, shape, return_slices=False):
Get a generator that yields Coordinates no larger than the given shape until the entire Coordinates is covered.
shape : tuple
The maximum shape of the chunk, with sizes corresponding to the `dims`.
return_slice : boolean, optional
Return slice in addition to Coordinates chunk.
coords : :class:`Coordinates`
A Coordinates object with one chunk of the coordinates.
slices : list
slices for this Coordinates chunk, only if ``return_slices`` is True
l = [[slice(i, i + n) for i in range(0, m, n)] for m, n in zip(self.shape, shape)]
for slices in itertools.product(*l):
coords = Coordinates(
[self._coords[dim][slc] for dim, slc in zip(self.dims, slices)], validate_crs=False, **self.properties
if return_slices:
yield coords, slices
yield coords
[docs] def transpose(self, *dims, **kwargs):
Transpose (re-order) the dimensions of the Coordinates.
dim_1, dim_2, ... : str, optional
Reorder dims to this order. By default, reverse the dims.
in_place : boolean, optional
If True, transpose the dimensions in-place.
Otherwise (default), return a new, transposed Coordinates object.
transposed : :class:`Coordinates`
The transposed Coordinates object.
See Also
xarray.DataArray.transpose : return a transposed DataArray
in_place = kwargs.get("in_place", False)
if len(dims) == 0:
dims = list(self._coords.keys())[::-1]
if len(dims) != len(self.dims):
raise ValueError("Invalid transpose dimensions, input %s does not match dims %s" % (dims, self.dims))
coords = []
for dim in dims:
if dim in self._coords:
elif "_" in dim and dim.split("_")[0] in self.udims:
target_dims = dim.split("_")
source_dim = [_dim for _dim in self.dims if target_dims[0] in _dim][0]
coords.append(self._coords[source_dim].transpose(*target_dims, in_place=in_place))
raise ValueError("Invalid transpose dimensions, input %s does match any dims in %s" % (dim, self.dims))
if in_place:
self._coords = OrderedDict(zip(dims, coords))
return self
return Coordinates(coords, validate_crs=False, **self.properties)
def _simplified_transform(self, transformer, cs):
lat_sample = np.linspace(self["lat"].bounds[0], self["lat"].bounds[1], 5)
lon_sample = np.linspace(self["lon"].bounds[0], self["lon"].bounds[1], 5)
sample = StackedCoordinates(np.meshgrid(lat_sample, lon_sample, indexing="ij"), dims=["lat", "lon"])
# The sample tests if the crs transform is linear, or non-linear. The results are as follows:
# Start from "uniform stacked"
# 1. Returns "uniform unstacked" <-- simple scaling between crs's
# 2. Returns "array unstacked" <-- Orthogonal coordinates still, but non-linear in this dim
# 3. Returns "Stacked" <-- not orthogonal from one crs to the other
t = sample._transform(transformer)
if isinstance(t, StackedCoordinates): # Need to transform ALL the coordinates
# Then we can do a faster transform, either already done or just the diagonal
for i, j in zip([0, 1], [1, 0]):
if isinstance(t[i], UniformCoordinates1d) and isinstance(cs[i], UniformCoordinates1d): # already done
start = t[i].start
stop = t[i].stop
if self[t[i].name].is_descending:
start, stop = stop, start
cs[self.dims.index(t[i].name)] = clinspace(start, stop, self[t[i].name].size, name=t[i].name)
# Transform all of the points for this dimension (either lat or lon) and record result
this = self[t[i].name]
that = self[t[j].name]
if this.size > 1 and that.size > 1:
other = clinspace(that.bounds[0], that.bounds[1], this.size)
elif this.size == that.size:
other = that.coordinates
other = np.zeros(this.size) + that.coordinates.mean()
diagonal = StackedCoordinates([this.coordinates, other], dims=[this.name, that.name])
t_diagonal = diagonal._transform(transformer)
cs[self.dims.index(this.name)] = t_diagonal[this.name]
return cs
[docs] def simplify(self):
"""Simplify coordinates in each dimension.
simplified : Coordinates
Simplified coordinates.
cs = []
for c in self._coords.values():
c2 = c.simplify()
if isinstance(c2, list):
cs += c2
return Coordinates(cs, **self.properties)
[docs] def issubset(self, other):
"""Report whether other Coordinates contains these coordinates.
Note that the dimension order and stacking is ignored.
other : Coordinates
Other coordinates to check
issubset : bool
True if these coordinates are a subset of the other coordinates in every dimension.
if set(self.udims) != set(other.udims):
return False
return all(c.issubset(other) for c in self.values())
[docs] def is_stacked(self, dim):
if dim not in self.udims:
raise ValueError("Dimension {} is not in self.dims={}".format(dim, self.dims))
elif dim not in self.dims:
return True
return False
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Operators/Magic Methods
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __repr__(self):
rep = str(self.__class__.__name__)
if self.crs:
rep += " ({})".format(self.crs)
for c in self._coords.values():
if isinstance(c, Coordinates1d):
rep += "\n\t%s: %s" % (c.name, c)
elif isinstance(c, AffineCoordinates):
rep += "\n\t%s: %s" % (c.name, c)
elif isinstance(c, StackedCoordinates):
for dim in c.dims:
rep += "\n\t%s[%s]: %s" % (c.name, dim, c[dim])
return rep
[docs]def merge_dims(coords_list, validate_crs=True):
Merge the coordinates.
coords_list : list
List of :class:`Coordinates` with unique dimensions.
validate_crs : bool, optional
Default is True. If False, the coordinates will not be checked for a common crs,
and the crs of the first item in the list will be used.
coords : :class:`Coordinates`
Coordinates with merged dimensions.
If dimensions are duplicated.
coords_list = list(coords_list)
for coords in coords_list:
if not isinstance(coords, Coordinates):
raise TypeError("Cannot merge '%s' with Coordinates" % type(coords))
if len(coords_list) == 0:
return Coordinates([], crs=None)
# check crs
crs = coords_list[0].crs
if validate_crs and not all(coords.crs == crs for coords in coords_list):
raise ValueError("Cannot merge Coordinates, crs mismatch")
# merge
coords = sum([list(coords.values()) for coords in coords_list], [])
return Coordinates(coords, crs=crs, validate_crs=False)
[docs]def concat(coords_list):
Combine the given coordinates by concatenating coordinate values in each dimension.
coords_list : list
List of :class:`Coordinates`.
coords : :class:`Coordinates`
Coordinates with concatenated coordinate values in each dimension.
See Also
coords_list = list(coords_list)
for coords in coords_list:
if not isinstance(coords, Coordinates):
raise TypeError("Cannot concat '%s' with Coordinates" % type(coords))
if not coords_list:
return Coordinates([], crs=None)
# check crs
crs = coords_list[0].crs
if not all(coords.crs == crs for coords in coords_list):
raise ValueError("Cannot concat Coordinates, crs mismatch")
# concatenate
d = OrderedDict()
for coords in coords_list:
for dim, c in coords.items():
if isinstance(c, Coordinates1d):
if dim not in d:
d[dim] = c.coordinates
d[dim] = np.concatenate([d[dim], c.coordinates])
elif isinstance(c, StackedCoordinates):
if dim not in d:
d[dim] = [s.coordinates for s in c]
d[dim] = [np.concatenate([d[dim][i], s.coordinates]) for i, s in enumerate(c)]
return Coordinates(list(d.values()), dims=list(d.keys()), crs=crs, validate_crs=False)
[docs]def union(coords_list):
Combine the given coordinates by collecting the unique, sorted coordinate values in each dimension.
coords_list : list
List of :class:`Coordinates`.
coords : :class:`Coordinates`
Coordinates with unique, sorted coordinate values in each dimension.
See Also
return concat(coords_list).unique()