Reprojection Algorithm Node
from __future__ import division, unicode_literals, print_function, absolute_import
from six import string_types
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import traitlets as tl
# Internal dependencies
from podpac.core.node import Node
from podpac.core.coordinates.coordinates import Coordinates, merge_dims
from podpac.core.interpolation.interpolation import Interpolate
from podpac.core.utils import NodeTrait, cached_property
from podpac import settings
[docs]class Reproject(Interpolate):
Create a Algorithm that evalutes a Node with one set of coordinates, and then interpolates it.
This can be used to bilinearly interpolate an averaged dataset, for example.
source : Node
The source node. This node will use it's own, specified interpolation scheme
interpolation : str
Type of interpolation method to use for the interpolation
coordinates : Coordinates, Node, str, dict
Coordinates used to evaluate the source. These can be specified as a dictionary, json-formatted string,
PODPAC Coordinates, or a PODPAC Node, where the node MUST implement the 'coordinates' attribute.
reproject_dims : list
Dimensions to reproject. The source will be evaluated with the reprojection coordinates in these dims
and the requested coordinates for any other dims.
coordinates = tl.Union(
[NodeTrait(), tl.Dict(), tl.Unicode(), tl.Instance(Coordinates)],
help="""Coordinates used to evaluate the source. These can be specified as a dictionary,
json-formatted string, PODPAC Coordinates, or a PODPAC Node, where the node MUST implement
the 'coordinates' attribute""",
reproject_dims = tl.List(trait=tl.Unicode(), allow_none=True, default_value=None).tag(attr=True)
def _validate_coordinates(self, d):
val = d["value"]
if isinstance(val, Node):
if not hasattr(val, "coordinates"):
raise ValueError(
"When specifying the coordinates as a PODPAC Node, this Node must have a 'coordinates' attribute"
elif isinstance(val, dict):
elif isinstance(val, string_types):
return val
def reprojection_coordinates(self):
# get coordinates
if isinstance(self.coordinates, Coordinates):
coordinates = self.coordinates
elif isinstance(self.coordinates, Node):
coordinates = self.coordinates.coordinates
elif isinstance(self.coordinates, dict):
coordinates = Coordinates.from_definition(self.coordinates)
elif isinstance(self.coordinates, string_types):
coordinates = Coordinates.from_json(self.coordinates)
# drop non-reprojection dims
if self.reproject_dims is not None:
coordinates = coordinates.drop([dim for dim in coordinates if dim not in self.reproject_dims])
return coordinates
def _source_eval(self, coordinates, selector, output=None):
coords = self.reprojection_coordinates.intersect(coordinates, outer=True)
extra_eval_coords = coordinates.drop(self.reproject_dims or self.reprojection_coordinates.dims)
if coords.crs != coordinates.crs:
# Better to evaluate in reproject coordinate crs than eval crs for next step of interpolation
extra_eval_coords = extra_eval_coords.transform(coords.crs)
coords = merge_dims([coords, extra_eval_coords])
if settings["MULTITHREADING"]:
# we have to do a new node here to avoid clashing with the source node.
# What happens is that the non-projected source gets evaluated
# at the projected source coordinates because we have to set
# self._requested_coordinates for the datasource to avoid floating point
# lat/lon disagreement issues
return Node.from_definition(self.source.definition).eval(coords, output=output, _selector=selector)
return self.source.eval(coords, output=output, _selector=selector)
def base_ref(self):
return "{}_reprojected".format(self.source.base_ref)