Source code for podpac.core.algorithm.generic

General-purpose Algorithm Nodes.

from __future__ import division, unicode_literals, print_function, absolute_import

import sys
import warnings

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import traitlets as tl

# Optional dependencies
from lazy_import import lazy_module

ne = lazy_module("numexpr")

from podpac import settings
from podpac import Coordinates
from podpac.core.node import Node, NodeException
from podpac.core.utils import NodeTrait
from podpac.core.algorithm.algorithm import Algorithm

if sys.version_info.major == 2:

    class PermissionError(OSError):

class GenericInputs(Algorithm):
    """Base class for Algorithms that accept generic named inputs."""

    inputs = tl.Dict(read_only=True, value_trait=NodeTrait(), key_trait=tl.Unicode()).tag(attr=True, required=True)

    _repr_keys = ["inputs"]

    def _first_init(self, **kwargs):
        trait_names = self.trait_names()
        for key in kwargs:
            if key in trait_names and isinstance(kwargs[key], Node):
                raise RuntimeError("Trait '%s' is reserved and cannot be used as an Generic Algorithm input" % key)
        input_keys = [key for key in kwargs if key not in trait_names and isinstance(kwargs[key], Node)]
        inputs = {key: kwargs.pop(key) for key in input_keys}
        self.set_trait("inputs", inputs)
        return super(GenericInputs, self)._first_init(**kwargs)

    def _base_definition(self):
        d = super(GenericInputs, self)._base_definition
        d["inputs"] = self.inputs
        return d

[docs]class Arithmetic(GenericInputs): """Create a simple point-by-point computation using named input nodes. Examples ---------- a = SinCoords() b = Arange() arith = Arithmetic(A=a, B=b, eqn = 'A * B + {offset}', params={'offset': 1}) """ eqn = tl.Unicode().tag(attr=True, required=True) params = tl.Dict().tag(attr=True, required=True) _repr_keys = ["eqn"]
[docs] def init(self): if not settings.allow_unsafe_eval: warnings.warn( "Insecure evaluation of Python code using Arithmetic node has not been allowed. If " "this is an error, use: `podpac.settings.allow_unrestricted_code_execution(True)`. " "NOTE: Allowing unsafe evaluation enables arbitrary execution of Python code through PODPAC " "Node definitions." ) if self.eqn == "": raise ValueError("Arithmetic eqn cannot be empty") super(Arithmetic, self).init()
[docs] def algorithm(self, inputs, coordinates): """Compute the algorithms equation Attributes ---------- inputs : dict Evaluated outputs of the input nodes. The keys are the attribute names. coordinates : podpac.Coordinates Requested coordinates. Note that the ``inputs`` may contain with different coordinates. Returns ------- result : UnitsDataArray Algorithm result. """ if not settings.allow_unsafe_eval: raise PermissionError( "Insecure evaluation of Python code using Arithmetic node has not been allowed. If " "this is an error, use: `podpac.settings.allow_unrestricted_code_execution(True)`. " "NOTE: Allowing unsafe evaluation enables arbitrary execution of Python code through PODPAC " "Node definitions." ) eqn = self.eqn.format(**self.params) fields = self.inputs.keys() res = xr.broadcast(*[inputs[f] for f in fields]) f_locals = dict(zip(fields, res)) try: from numexpr import evaluate # Needed for some systems to get around lazy_module issues result = ne.evaluate(eqn, f_locals) except (NotImplementedError, ImportError): result = eval(eqn, f_locals) res = res[0].copy() # Make an xarray object with correct dimensions res[:] = result return res
[docs]class Generic(GenericInputs): """ Generic Algorithm Node that allows arbitrary Python code to be executed. Attributes ---------- code : str The multi-line code that will be evaluated. This code should assign "output" to the desired result, and "output" needs to be a "numpy array" or "xarray DataArray" inputs : dict(str: podpac.Node) A dictionary of PODPAC nodes that will serve as the input data for the Python script Examples ---------- a = SinCoords() b = Arange() code = '''import numpy as np output = np.minimum(a, b) ''' generic = Generic(code=code, a=a, b=b) """ code = tl.Unicode().tag(attr=True, readonly=True, required=True)
[docs] def init(self): if not settings.allow_unsafe_eval: warnings.warn( "Insecure evaluation of Python code using Generic node has not been allowed. If this " "this is an error, use: `podpac.settings.allow_unrestricted_code_execution(True)`. " "NOTE: Allowing unsafe evaluation enables arbitrary execution of Python code through PODPAC " "Node definitions." ) super(Generic, self).init()
[docs] def algorithm(self, inputs, coordinates): """ Run the generic code. Attributes ---------- inputs : dict Evaluated outputs of the input nodes. The keys are the attribute names. coordinates : podpac.Coordinates Requested coordinates. Note that the ``inputs`` may contain with different coordinates. Returns ------- result : UnitsDataArray Algorithm result. """ if not settings.allow_unsafe_eval: raise PermissionError( "Insecure evaluation of Python code using Generic node has not been allowed. If this " "this is an error, use: `podpac.settings.allow_unrestricted_code_execution(True)`. " "NOTE: Allowing unsafe evaluation enables arbitrary execution of Python code through PODPAC " "Node definitions." ) exec(self.code, inputs) return inputs["output"]
[docs]class Mask(Algorithm): """ Masks the `source` based on a boolean expression involving the `mask` (i.e. source[mask <bool_op> <bool_val> ] = <masked_val>). For a normal boolean mask input, default values for `bool_op`, `bool_val` and `masked_val` can be used. Attributes ---------- source : podpac.Node The source that will be masked mask : podpac.Node The data that will be used to compute the mask masked_val : float, optional Default value is np.nan. The value that will replace the masked items. bool_val : float, optional Default value is 1. The value used to compare the mask when creating the boolean expression bool_op : enum, optional Default value is '=='. One of ['==', '<', '<=', '>', '>='] in_place : bool, optional Default is False. If True, the source array will be changed in-place, which could affect the value of the source in other parts of the pipeline. Examples ---------- # Mask data from a boolean data node using the default behavior. # Create a boolean masked Node (as an example) b = Arithmetic(A=SinCoords(), eqn='A>0) # Create the source node a = Arange() masked = Mask(source=a, mask=b) # Create a node that make the following substitution "a[b > 0] = np.nan" a = Arange() b = SinCoords() masked = Mask(source=a, mask=b, masked_val=np.nan, bool_val=0, bool_op='>' in_place=True) """ source = NodeTrait().tag(attr=True, required=True) mask = NodeTrait().tag(attr=True, required=True) masked_val = tl.Float(allow_none=True, default_value=None).tag(attr=True) bool_val = tl.Float(1).tag(attr=True) bool_op = tl.Enum(["==", "<", "<=", ">", ">="], default_value="==").tag(attr=True) in_place = tl.Bool(False).tag(attr=True) _repr_keys = ["source", "mask"]
[docs] def algorithm(self, inputs, coordinates): """ Sets the values in inputs['source'] to self.masked_val using (inputs['mask'] <self.bool_op> <self.bool_val>) Attributes ---------- inputs : dict Evaluated outputs of the input nodes. The keys are the attribute names. coordinates : podpac.Coordinates Requested coordinates. Note that the ``inputs`` may contain with different coordinates. Returns ------- result : UnitsDataArray Algorithm result. """ # shorter names mask = inputs["mask"] source = inputs["source"] op = self.bool_op bv = self.bool_val # Make a copy if we don't want to change the source in-place if not self.in_place: source = source.copy() # Make the mask boolean if op == "==": mask = mask == bv elif op == "<": mask = mask < bv elif op == "<=": mask = mask <= bv elif op == ">": mask = mask > bv elif op == ">=": mask = mask >= bv # Mask the values and return if self.masked_val is None: source.set(np.nan, mask) else: source.set(self.masked_val, mask) return source
class Combine(GenericInputs): """Combine multiple nodes into a single node with multiple outputs. If not output names are specified, the keyword argument names will be used. """ @tl.default("outputs") def _default_outputs(self): input_keys = list(self.inputs.keys()) return input_keys def algorithm(self, inputs, coordinates): cs = [Coordinates.from_xarray(x) for x in inputs.values()] if any(c != cs[0] for c in cs): raise NodeException("Cannot combine inputs with different coordinates") data = np.stack([inputs[key] for key in self.inputs], axis=-1) return self.create_output_array(cs[0], data=data)