Source code for podpac.core.algorithm.coord_select

CoordSelect Summary

from __future__ import division, unicode_literals, print_function, absolute_import

import traitlets as tl
import numpy as np

from podpac.core.settings import settings
from podpac.core.coordinates import Coordinates
from podpac.core.coordinates import UniformCoordinates1d, ArrayCoordinates1d
from podpac.core.coordinates import make_coord_value, make_coord_delta, add_coord
from podpac.core.node import Node, COMMON_NODE_DOC
from podpac.core.algorithm.algorithm import UnaryAlgorithm
from podpac.core.utils import common_doc, NodeTrait


class ModifyCoordinates(UnaryAlgorithm):
    Base class for nodes that modify the requested coordinates before evaluation.

    source : podpac.Node
        Source node that will be evaluated with the modified coordinates.
    coordinates_source : podpac.Node
        Node that supplies the available coordinates when necessary, optional. The source node is used by default.
    lat, lon, time, alt : List
        Modification parameters for given dimension. Varies by node.

    coordinates_source = NodeTrait().tag(attr=True)
    lat = tl.List().tag(attr=True)
    lon = tl.List().tag(attr=True)
    time = tl.List().tag(attr=True)
    alt = tl.List().tag(attr=True)
    substitute_eval_coords = tl.Bool(False).tag(attr=True)

    _modified_coordinates = tl.Instance(Coordinates, allow_none=True)

    def _default_coordinates_source(self):
        return self.source

    def _eval(self, coordinates, output=None, _selector=None):
        """Evaluates this nodes using the supplied coordinates.

        coordinates : podpac.Coordinates
        output : podpac.UnitsDataArray, optional
        _selector: callable(coordinates, request_coordinates)


        The input coordinates are modified and the passed to the base class implementation of eval.

        self._requested_coordinates = coordinates
        self._modified_coordinates = Coordinates(
            [self.get_modified_coordinates1d(coordinates, dim) for dim in coordinates.dims],

        for dim in self._modified_coordinates.udims:
            if self._modified_coordinates[dim].size == 0:
                raise ValueError("Modified coordinates do not intersect with source data (dim '%s')" % dim)

        outputs = {}
        outputs["source"] = self.source.eval(self._modified_coordinates, output=output, _selector=_selector)

        if self.substitute_eval_coords:
            dims = outputs["source"].dims
            coords = self._requested_coordinates
            extra_dims = [d for d in coords.dims if d not in dims]
            coords = coords.drop(extra_dims)

            outputs["source"] = outputs["source"].assign_coords(**coords.xcoords)

        if output is None:
            output = outputs["source"]
            output[:] = outputs["source"]

        if settings["DEBUG"]:
            self._output = output
        return output

[docs]class ExpandCoordinates(ModifyCoordinates): """Evaluate a source node with expanded coordinates. This is normally used in conjunction with a reduce operation to calculate, for example, the average temperature over the last month. While this is simple to do when evaluating a single node (just provide the coordinates), this functionality is needed for nodes buried deeper in a pipeline. lat, lon, time, alt : List Expansion parameters for the given dimension: The options are:: * [start_offset, end_offset, step] to expand uniformly around each input coordinate. * [start_offset, end_offset] to expand using the available source coordinates around each input coordinate. bounds_only: bool Default is False. If True, will only expand the bounds of the overall coordinates request. Otherwise, it will expand around EACH coordinate in the request. For example, with bounds_only == True, and an expansion of 3 you may expand [5, 6, 8] to [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11], whereas with bounds_only == False, it becomes [[2, 5, 8], [3, 6, 9], [5, 8, 11]] (brackets added for clarity, they will be concatenated). """ substitute_eval_coords = tl.Bool(False, read_only=True) bounds_only = tl.Bool(False).tag(attr=True)
[docs] def get_modified_coordinates1d(self, coords, dim): """Returns the expanded coordinates for the requested dimension, depending on the expansion parameter for the given dimension. Parameters ---------- coords : Coordinates The requested input coordinates dim : str Dimension to expand Returns ------- expanded : :class:`podpac.coordinates.Coordinates1d` Expanded coordinates """ coords1d = coords[dim] expansion = getattr(self, dim) if not expansion: # i.e. if list is empty # no expansion in this dimension return coords1d if len(expansion) == 2: # use available coordinates dstart = make_coord_delta(expansion[0]) dstop = make_coord_delta(expansion[1]) available_coordinates = self.coordinates_source.find_coordinates() if len(available_coordinates) != 1: raise ValueError("Cannot implicity expand coordinates; too many available coordinates") acoords = available_coordinates[0][dim] if self.bounds_only: cs = [ add_coord(coords1d.coordinates[0], dstart), add_coord(coords1d.coordinates[-1], dstop) ) ] else: cs = [, dstart), add_coord(x, dstop))) for x in coords1d.coordinates] elif len(expansion) == 3: # use a explicit step size dstart = make_coord_delta(expansion[0]) dstop = make_coord_delta(expansion[1]) step = make_coord_delta(expansion[2]) if self.bounds_only: cs = [ UniformCoordinates1d( add_coord(coords1d.coordinates[0], dstart), add_coord(coords1d.coordinates[-1], dstop), step ) ] else: cs = [ UniformCoordinates1d(add_coord(x, dstart), add_coord(x, dstop), step) for x in coords1d.coordinates ] else: raise ValueError("Invalid expansion attrs for '%s'" % dim) return ArrayCoordinates1d(np.concatenate([c.coordinates for c in cs]), **
[docs]class SelectCoordinates(ModifyCoordinates): """Evaluate a source node with select coordinates. While this is simple to do when evaluating a single node (just provide the coordinates), this functionality is needed for nodes buried deeper in a pipeline. For example, if a single spatial reference point is used for a particular comparison, and this reference point is different than the requested coordinates, we need to explicitly select those coordinates using this Node. lat, lon, time, alt : List Selection parameters for the given dimension: The options are:: * [value]: select this coordinate value * [start, stop]: select the available source coordinates within the given bounds * [start, stop, step]: select uniform coordinates defined by the given start, stop, and step """
[docs] def get_modified_coordinates1d(self, coords, dim): """ Get the desired 1d coordinates for the given dimension, depending on the selection attr for the given dimension:: Parameters ---------- coords : Coordinates The requested input coordinates dim : str Dimension for doing the selection Returns ------- coords1d : ArrayCoordinates1d The selected coordinates for the given dimension. """ coords1d = coords[dim] selection = getattr(self, dim) if not selection: # no selection in this dimension return coords1d if len(selection) == 1 or ((len(selection) == 2) and (selection[0] == selection[1])): # a single value coords1d = ArrayCoordinates1d(selection, ** elif len(selection) == 2: # use available source coordinates within the selected bounds available_coordinates = self.coordinates_source.find_coordinates() if len(available_coordinates) != 1: raise ValueError( "SelectCoordinates Node cannot determine the step size between bounds for dimension" + "{} because source node (source.find_coordinates()) has {} different coordinates.".format( dim, len(available_coordinates) ) + "Please specify step-size for this dimension." ) coords1d = available_coordinates[0][dim].select(selection) elif len(selection) == 3: # uniform coordinates using start, stop, and step coords1d = UniformCoordinates1d(*selection, ** else: raise ValueError("Invalid selection attrs for '%s'" % dim) return coords1d
[docs]class YearSubstituteCoordinates(ModifyCoordinates): year = tl.Unicode().tag(attr=True) # Remove tags from attributes lat = tl.List() lon = tl.List() time = tl.List() alt = tl.List() coordinates_source = None
[docs] def get_modified_coordinates1d(self, coord, dim): """ Get the desired 1d coordinates for the given dimension, depending on the selection attr for the given dimension:: Parameters ---------- coords : Coordinates The requested input coordinates dim : str Dimension for doing the selection Returns ------- coords1d : ArrayCoordinates1d The selected coordinates for the given dimension. """ if dim != "time": return coord[dim] times = coord["time"] delta = np.datetime64(self.year) new_times = [add_coord(c, delta - c.astype("datetime64[Y]")) for c in times.coordinates] return ArrayCoordinates1d(new_times, name="time")
[docs]class TransformTimeUnits(ModifyCoordinates): time_units = tl.Enum( [ "day", "dayofweek", "dayofyear", "daysinmonth", "microsecond", "minute", "month", "nanosecond", "quarter", "season", "second", "time", "week", "weekday", "weekday_name", "weekofyear", "year", ] ).tag(attr=True) # Remove tags from attributes lat = tl.List() lon = tl.List() time = tl.List() alt = tl.List() coordinates_source = None
[docs] def get_modified_coordinates1d(self, coords, dim): """ Get the desired 1d coordinates for the given dimension, depending on the selection attr for the given dimension:: Parameters ---------- coords : Coordinates The requested input coordinates dim : str Dimension for doing the selection Returns ------- coords1d : ArrayCoordinates1d The selected coordinates for the given dimension. """ if dim != "time": return coords[dim] return coords.transform_time(self.time_units)["time"]